Curt & Teresa (Healy) Haldorson
Marc & Alissa Mittelsteadt







Curt & Teresa (Healy) Haldorson




From Teresa Haldorson on September 25th, 2005:




J's spring Tball picture. Lauren after enjoying lots of blackberries. And C&T at the NYC library gala. 
Just making sure the new scanner/printer works and catching up on picture sending. Love, T  





                                                        Father's Day, 2005.



From Teresa Haldorson on April 10th, 2003:


A few pictures of Curt indulging in one of his favorite hobbies, wood turning.


                                  Curt Turning 2.jpg (12776 bytes)

                                     The Process


          Curt's Peppermills.jpg (3441 bytes)       

                                      The Results


                                  Curt Turning.jpg (22578 bytes)

                              The Workshop Afterwards



                                  Teresa 33rd.JPG (131937 bytes)   Teresa Birthday 2.JPG (285768 bytes)

                                       Believe it or not, she's now 33!!!

                                              C and T.JPG (290928 bytes)




From Don and Liz Healy on December 31, 2002:  Seems Jessie has it all figured out this year!!


                   Jessie & Santa.JPG (258752 bytes)   JessieSantaGlobe.JPG (237874 bytes)   JessieViewFinder.JPG (216826 bytes)




From Curt and Teresa Haldorson on December 23rd, 2002:


Here she is.  Very active, spinal cord intact, heart chambers and valves looked strong and crisp, clipping along at 147 beats/min.  Counted all ten fingers and toes during the course of the u/s.  See if you can make out the nose and lips from this profile view.  We'll find out more tomorrow at the OB appt.  Love, one proud and relieved Mom.


                               New One.jpg (12733 bytes)  Please click to expand




Haldorsonportrait2001 (2).JPG (249554 bytes)



   Christmas photo for 2001


                                          C&T.JPG (202982 bytes)  

                                                                        Christmas, 2000

                                                                       JessT2A.JPG (332077 bytes) 

                                                                                     Teresa & Jessica, after Teresa's "$90,000 haircut".

                            JessinWindow.JPG (81786 bytes)    LizJesClapping.JPG (105833 bytes)    

                                             Jessie & Jessie and Grandma on Father's Day, 2001

Celebrated Curt Haldorson's 33rd Birthday with a party at Curt & Teresa's home on July 21:

                           Curt33BDay.JPG (187576 bytes)  CurtBDay2.JPG (188530 bytes)  CurtBDay3.JPG (193533 bytes)



Teresa & Curt Haldorson
 7207 78th Street NE
 Marysville, WA  98270
Email:  Ornery1@msn.com
Profession:  Critical care nurse
Educational Backround: BSN
Hobbies:  Playing with our daughter, playing in the garden, playing in the parks, playing on this computer, geneology, reading and shopping!
Interests:  Maintaining your sanity through motherhood while raising well-rounded children.
Travel Experiences:  Hawaii, Carribbean, Cancun, Honduras, Great Britain  & Ireland and the great Pacific Northwest.