






Jessica Haldorson


Jessica in cap and gown at her graduation from Teddyland on June, 11th, 2003:


                                               jESSIE gRADSmall.JPG (62640 bytes)


From Teresa Haldorson on December 14th, 2002:


Here are a couple pictures of Jessica's introduction to the world of science at Seattle's Pacific Science Center.


                    JessieScienceCenter.JPG (247108 bytes)   Water Play.JPG (229669 bytes)



                                                   Jessie 4 candles.JPG (331865 bytes)

                                                Jessie's Fourth Birthday


JessieMD.JPG (117489 bytes)    JessinWindow.JPG (81786 bytes)    LizJesClapping.JPG (105833 bytes)

Jessie at 2 1/2 years of age.


Bath-time.jpeg (98655 bytes)

Alec, Jessie, and Garrett -- "Bath Time", May 2001.


Ponyx.JPG (60522 bytes)    JesFarmSignx.JPG (85141 bytes)    Jessiex.JPG (62774 bytes)

   JesBarrelDonx.JPG (80494 bytes)    Small bus.JPG (96131 bytes)

Jessie at Biringer Farm on October 13, 2001


JRainCoat.jpg (23293 bytes)

Jessica, Christmas, 1999

