Don & Liz Healy
Marilyn Ramirez
Kit & Melinda
David & Sherry Healy







Don & Liz Healy

                                         LIZ HEALY'S FAMILY TIES

                             THE LEONARDO de"VAN"ci LOG


When Kirk and the boys were up over Thanksgiving, Liz took a group to the Woodland Park Zoo.  Over the last six months or so, Liz has noticed that Malady, the Orangutan, was fascinated with various human activities.  The photo below, taken by Kirk,  shows Liz reading to Garrett, Alec, Jessie and Malady.  Malady brought over her bucket and some straw to sit on and was part of the group.


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Curt & Teresa Haldorson        Alissa Healy

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Don & Liz at Joshua Tree National Monument


                       LizJesClapping.JPG (105833 bytes)           J&Gp.JPG (95387 bytes)            LizJesSlide.JPG (119179 bytes)

Playing with Granddaughter Jessica Haldorson in Edmonds, Washington on Father's Day, 2001.


LizDonRainier.JPG (92573 bytes) Rainier    L&D.JPG (92674 bytes) St. Helens    SpiritLake2.JPG (157498 bytes)  Spirit Lake

Picture from a weekend jaunt to Mt. Saint Helens and Mount Rainier


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Pictures from Don's Birthday, September, 2001.

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From the late 1970's; dig those pants.


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