BEFORE 1630 - FEBRUARY 27, 1679
From VAN EATON & Allied Families, by Steven Earl Coulter, 1974:
Aldert Heymanse Roosa, farmer, from Gelderland, Holland, arrived in New Nether-
From the notes of Jim Tillotson:
1796-Albert [UCPR, OU12, NYSo, UCBR, EASc]/Aldert [DPHG, OU12]/Aeldert [GB41]/ Aleardt [OU12]/Aldert [VEAL] Heymans [GB41, EASc]/Heynons/Heymanse [OU12,VEAL]/ Hyamanie/Heyanse/Hymanse [DPHG]/Heyman [NYSo]/Heymansse [UCBR] ROOSA Son of 3592-Heyman ROOSA b. 1610 [LDSC]/1621 [DPHG, GB41] in Holland [LDSC], chr. in Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland [LDSC] m. 1642 in Holland [LDSC] 1797-Wilhelmina Ariens De JONGH or widow-see DE JONGH or Wyntje [VEAL] Allard [VEAL]/Ariens [VEAL] dau. of 3594-Adrian Meertowen and Maria De JONGH d. 27 February [LDSC, GB39, NYSo, UCBR, EASc, VEAL] 1679 [DPHG] in Hurley, [EASc, VEAL] Ulster Co, NY [LDSC, GB39, NYSo] ch. m Hyman [UCPR]/Heyman [LDSC, UCPR, OU12, NYSo, EASc]/Heiman [UCBR] Aldertse [LDSC, UCBR]/Alderse [UCPR] (oldest child [UCBR]), b. 1643 [UCBR, UCPR, OU12, VEAL]/ca. 1652 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Holland[LDSC], chr. 29 August 1694 (??) in Holland [LDSC], m. 1677 [LDSC]/1678 [LDSC] in ? Kingston NY [LDSC] Anna [LDSC, UCBR]/Ann [UCPR] Margaret [LDSC, EASc]/Margriet [UCBR, UCPR]/Maritje [OU12, VEAL] ROOSEVELT [LDSC, UCBR, UCPR, OU12]/ROSEVELT [EASc], will dated 8 September 1708 [LDSC] or 23 August 1708 [UCPR] names 3 sons (Allert; Nicolas; Gysbert) and 4 daughters (Jannetie, m. Philip HOOGHTYLING; Wyntie, m. Willem CROM; Ragel; Lea) (ch. Aldert [UCBR, UCPR]/Aldger [UCBR], b. in Hurley [UCPR], bap. 2 [UCPR] March [UCBR] 1679, m. Aegje KROM of Hurley [UCBR] {14 ch. [UCBR]-see [UCBR] for details} or m. 21 June 1696 [UCPR] Petronella VAN ETTEN; Claas {Nicholaes [UCPR]}, bap. 27 [UCPR] April [UCBR] 1684, m. 18 December 1720 [UCPR] Zara RUTSZ; Gysbert, bap. 17 [UCPR] October [UCBR] 1686; Neeltjie [UCBR]/Neeltje [UCPR], bap. 13 [UCPR] October [UCBR] 1689; Rachel, bap. 19 [UCPR] April [UCBR] 1696, m. 9 December 1715 [UCPR] Johannes TEN BROECK; Jannetie, m. 30 November 1702 [UCPR] Philip HOOGTEELING; Wyntje, m. 12 November 1699 [UCPR] Willem CROM; Lea, bap. September 1698 [UCBR]) m *Arien H m Jan [LDSC, UCPR, NYSo] Aldertse [DPHG]/Albertse [NYSo] or Johan [LDSC] ([NYSo] third son after Arie and Heyman), b. 1646 [LDSC]/1651 [DPHG, UCPR, OU12, VEAL]/1660 [LDSC] in Herwijenen, Gelderland, Holland [LDSC], m. in Kingston NY [LDSC] Helligan [LDSC]/Hillegand [LDSC]/Hillegard [DPHG]/Hillegondt [UCPR]//Hillegond [NYSo, OU12, VEAL]/Helligoud [EASc] Willems [LDSC, UCPR, NYSo]/Williams [LDSC, f Elke [LDSC]/Eike [UCBR]/Ilka [LDSC, UCPR]/Ikee [OU12, NYSo, EASc, VEAL]/Aaghe [OU12, VEAL], b. 1651 [LDSC] in Herwijnen, Holland [LDSC], m. 1670-1674 [LDSC]/1673 [LDSC] in Kingston NY[LDSC] Dr. [OU12] Roeloff [LDSC, EASc]/Roeliffe UCBR]/Roelof [UCPR, OU12, VEAL] KIERTEDE [LDSC]/KIERSTEEDE [UCBR]/KIERSTED [UCPR, EASc, VEAL]/KIERSTED [OU12], d. 1684 [LDSC]/1685 [LDSC] in Hurley, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC]
f Mardje [LDSC]/Mary [UCBR, UCPR]/Maritje [OU12, NYSo, EASc, VEAL] (Mary [EASc]), b. 1652-1659 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Holland [LDSC], chr. 1654 [LDSC], m. 1672 [LDSC]/ca. 1674 [LDSC]/16 November 1679 [LDSC] in New Hurley, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC] Lauren [LDSC]/Laurens [UCBR, UCPR, OU12, VEAL]/? [EASc] JANSEN (LOW [LDSC, UCPR, EASc, VEAL]), d. in New York [LDSC] f Neeltje [LDSC, OU12, VEAL]/Neeltjen [UCBR]/Neeltie [UCPR]/Neeltien [NYSo]/Meltje [EASc]/Meltien [EASc], b. 1653 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Holland [LDSC], m. ? [LDSC]) or aft. [UCPR, OU12] 3 November 1676 Hendrick [LDSC, UCBR, OU12, VEAL]/Henry [LDSC, UCPR]/Hendric [EASc] PALINGH [LDSC]/PAELDIN [UCBR]/PAULING [LDSC]/PAWLING [UCPR, OU12, VEAL]/PAULDIN [EASc], d. 27 October 1745 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co, NY [LDSC] f Wyntjen [EASc], m. Nicholas DEPUY [EASc] (probably wrong-see next generation) f Jannetje [LDSC, UCBR, OU12, VEAL]/Jannitje [NYSo]/Jannetjen [EASc] (Jane [EASc], b. 1656 [LDSC]/ca. 1662 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Holland [LDSC], m. 16 November 1679 [LDSC, UCPR, OU12, EASc, VEAL] in Kingston [LDSC] or Hurley [UCPR, OU12, VEAL] NY Mattys [LDSC, OU12, VEAL]/Matys [UCBR, EASc] TEN EYCK [LDSC, OU12, EASc, VEAL]/EYCKE [UCBR, UCPR] of New York [UCPR], d. 23 June 1726 [LDSC] in Hurley, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC] m Aert [LDSC, OU12, NYSo, EASc, VEAL]/Aldert [UCBR] (Arthur [EASc]), b. ca. [LDSC] 1658 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Holland [LDSC], chr. 1658 [LDSC], m1. 21 June 1696 [LDSC] Petrmella VAN ETTEN, m2. Wyntie Aundream D'ONG [LDSC] ?m Gysbert [UCBR] f Geertje Janss, m. Jan CRUPEL [UCBR] f Annetje/Annatje [NYSo, OU12, EASc]/Annatje [VEAL] (Hannah or Anna [EASc]), b. ca. 1662 [LDSC] in Kingston, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC] or in New Netherlands [OU12] f [LDSC, KMBR] or m [UCBR] Guert [OU12, UCBR, NYSo, KBMR, EASc], b. ca. 1660 [LDSC] in Gelderland, Netherlands [LDSC] or 15 June 1664 [LDSC] in Kingston, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC] or in New Netherlands [OU12], bap. 15 June 1663 [UCPR]/1664 [LDSC, KBMR] in Old Dutch Church [KBMR], Kingston, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC], d. 15 [LDSC, EASc] June [UCBR] 1664 in Kingston, Ulster Co, NY [LDSC] or d. young [LDSC] ([UCBR] d. just before baptism, all arrangements were made for that ordinance, Mrs. Blom, the minister's wife, being a witness, but the child drew its last breath before the arrival of Rev. Blom) ([UCPR] this son d. aft. baptism) ([KBMR] "hic filius obiit ante baptismum"-this son died before baptism) [UCBR] 10 children NOTE 1796-Albert [UCBR] First of family to come to America; farmer; came with wife and eight children, ages 2 to 17, from Herwijnen, Gelderland, Holland on the good ship "Bunta Koe" (Spotted Cow); family settled in Esopus township, Ulster County which then embraced Kingston and Hurley; at his death left a good estate to heirs; appointed as one of schepens of Wiltwyck in August 1664; elder in old Dutch Church of Kingston; large man who posessed great energy and magnetic power, made himself felt and heard in councils of the leading men of the community [NYSo] Arrived in New Netherlands in April 1660 in the ship "Spotted Cow", coming from Gelderland, Holland accompanied by wifa and 8 children; settled in that part of Esopus which is now the town of Hurley and there engaged in farming; participated in the first administration of the Lord's Supper at Esopus 25 December 1660; being possessed of considerable means he owned much property and exercised a large influence in the community; in spring of 1661 his name was entered on a contract to secure the salary of Dominie Bloom at Wiltwyck, now Kingston; on the organization of the village of Hurley he was one of the first three schepens, or magistrates, who administered the affairs of the community; in 1661 he was one of a committee of three to enclose the village of Hurley as a means of protection against the Indians; he owned lot # 24 where his home was destroyed by Indians 7 June 1663 at which time two of his children were carried away captive; he was one of those who resented the unjust treatment accorded to the people of the village by the British soldiers then quartered there in 1667 and because of his vigorous resistance he was adjudged guilty of sedition by the Court in New York and was banished from the colony; he was restored to favor in 1669 by Governor Lovelace who appointed him one of the overseers of New Dorp (Hurley); in the same year he was granted the privilege of setting up tanning vats and a brewing house; he was one of the petitioners for the appointment of a minister who could speak both Dutch and English; served as a mustering officer; on 5 April 1670 was a sargent in Captain Henry Pauling's Company of militia and in 1673 was a captain of a company composed of men from Hurley and Marbletown; in 1685 his widow was granted 320 acres of land on account of his public service [VINC] Albert (Aldert) Hymanie (1621-1679) from Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland in the "Spotted Cow" to New Netherlands 1660. Settled in Hurley, Ulster Co, NY. One of first schepens, overseer 1669. Sgt mil Co 1670, Capt 1673. m. Wyntie Ariense as widow, rec'd a grant of 320 acres in recognition of husband's public service. [UCBR] Biography of Hyman Roosa, M.D.S. Albert Heymansse, farmer, with wife Weyntjen Ariens came from Herwijnen, Gelderland, Holland with their eight children, ages two to seventeen, in the "Bunta Koe" ("Spotted Cow"); settled in Esopus township, Ulster County, which then embraced Kingston and Hurley; died 27 February 1679; appointed one of the three Schepens by Governor Stuyvesant, who gave the name to Wiltwyck; elder of old Dutch Church of Kingston; large man posessed of great energy and magnetic power which made him both heard and felt in the councils of leading men of the community; ten children [EASc] Came to America in 1660 with his parents [KiHx] p 485 Albert Heymans, from Gelderland, is registered as having sailed in April 1660 in the ship the Spotted Cow with his wife Wyntje Ariens and eight children; settled in Esopus, assumed the name Roosa and became the ancestors of the Roosa families in the vicinity p 27 Evert Pels, Cornelis Barentse Slecht and Elbert Hymans Roose were by charter designated as the first board of schepens [GB41] Aeldert Heymans Roosa, b. 1621, from Herwynen, arrived 1660 with wife Wyntje Ariens de Jongh; [DPHG] original emigrant Aldert Hymanse came with wife Wyntje Ariense and six children in 1660 from Gelderland, Holland in the "Spotted Cow" and settled at Hurley, Ulster County, NY; built a residence that stood until 1885 where some of their descendents still reside [FILB] Arrived New Netherlands 1620-1664 Ref 9135 page 10 NOTE 1796-Albert (continued) [OU12] from Harwyen, also spelled Herweyen, in Gelderland, Holland on Waal River, five miles from Bommel. Or it may be the present Heywennen, a short distence east of Bommel in Gelderland or the present Herwen in Gelderland twelve miles southwest of Arnhem; with him came his wife Wyntje (Lavinia) Allard or Ariens and eight children (Heyman, Arie, Jan, Ikee/Aaghe, Maritje, Neeltje, Jannetje, Aert) in the ship "Bontekoe" (Spotted Cow), Captain Peter Lucas, April 15, 1660; settled in Wildwyck, district of Esopus, now Kingston, Ulster County, New York. From the fact that in Gelderland at the present time the language of its people is interspersed with Spanish words and idioms it has been supposed that many religeous refugees from Spain during the first years of the Inquisition settled in this particular Province of Holland, among whom may have been ascestors of Albert Heymanse; if so this can account for the spelling of the name, by the Hollanders- Roose- which then would produce the same sound as Rosa, his name in Spanish On December 25, 1660 with wife, Anna Blom, Jacob Joosten, Jacob Burhans, Mathias Blanchan and wife, Anton Crespel and wife, Andries Barentse and wife, Margaret Chambers, Gertruy Andries, Roelof Swartwout and wife and Cornelise Sleght and wife participated in first administration of Lord's Supper at the Esopus or Wildwyck. Aldert Heymanse Roosa was a wealthy man for those days, bringing with him considerable property from Holland; sreedily occupied an influential position in the early making of Kingston. On 4 March he joined other in a contract guarenteeing the salary of Rev. Hermanus Blom, who had been called as pastor of the Dutch Church at Wildwyck; (see Col. Hist N.Y. Vol XIII pp 130-194) Of this church he was for many years an elder; and because of the energy with which Domine Blom and he sought to conserve the surplus of the estates of deceased persons for the benefit of the poor of the village he was sometimes called "the Consistory" pf the church (Court Proceedings of Wildwyck publ by NY State hist. Assn; Col Hist. NY Vol VIII, pp 311 and 318) On 5 May 1661 appointed commissary at Wildwyck (with Evert Pels and Cornelis Barentse Sleght) and took their oath of office and on 16 May 1661, these three were named schepens by Peter Stuyvesant; New lots laid out at Wildwyck AH being alloted # 24 and his son Jan #30 On 6 April 1662 permission was given to lay out a new village at the Esopus, called Nieuw Dorp, now Hurley, at which place his sons-in-law Anthony Crespel and Louis DuBois settled the same year. Immediately after this warnings were received and sent to New Amsterdam of pending troubles with the Indians at the Esopus (see Col. Hist N.Y. Vol XIII pp 227-228) On 11 October 1662 AH was commissioned to proceed to New Amsterdam to obtain 100 pounds of Powder and 200 pounds of lead for the protection of the old and new settlements [from the Indians] (see Col. Hist N.Y. Vol XIII pp 227-228) Aldert Heymanse must have been among of the earliest settlers of the new village because on 30 March 1663 he, Jan Joosten and Jan Garretsen were appointed to lay out and fortify the new village with palisades for protection against the savages (Sylvester's Hist Ulster County, p 36) [OU12] On 7 April 1663 Aldert Heymanse and fellow commissaries reported to Governor that savages would not allow the building of palisades or fortifications because land was not included in treaty of 1660 and had not been fully paid for; and praying that the gifts promised to the savages the previous autumn be sent at once and that the new place and village be assisted with a few soldiers and ammunition, at least until the new settlement should be put into a proper state of defense and inhabited by a good number of people on 7 June 1663 Indians attacked New Village and Wildwyck, burning 12 dwellings, killing 18 persons, and carring away 10 persons from Wildwyck and New Village was burned to the ground with most of the inhabitants taken prisoner (including 2 children of AH) or killed-only a few escaped including Roosa, Blanchan, Crespel and DuBois; martial law was declared and AH appointed one of the commissaries as well as being a corporal of the Burgher Guard; NOTE 1796-Albert (continued) [GB27] Allard Heymansen Roosa Arrived in New Netherlands 15 April 1660 on "De Bonte Coe" ("The Spotted Cow") with wife, Wyntie Ariens, and 8 children ages 17 Arie, 15 Heyman, 14 Jan, 9 Ykje, 8 Maritje, 7 Neeltje, 4 Jannetje, 2 Aert; settled at Wiltwyck (later Kingston), lived on one of richest farms there, 2 children born, Annatje anf Guert; one of six weathiest inhabitants of settlement; signed name "Alaerdt Heymensen Roose"; originated from town of Herwynen in Land of Bommel [UCPR] p 75 Albert Heymans, farmer, came from Herwynen, Gelderland, Holland April 15, 1660 in the "Spotted Cow" with wife Wyntje Ariens (Weike de Jonge) and eight children, age resp. 17, 15, 14, 9, 8, 7, 4 and 2; settled in Esopus and assumed the name Roosa; Albert Hymans Roosa received on Aug. 19 1664 a patent of land in Wildwyck; died 27 February 1679; Albert Heymans, Arent Albertsen, his son, et al were "convicted upon oath and affirmance for taking of arms in a rioyous and illegal manner upon the 16th of Febr. 1666, to awe, terrify, and supress his Magesty's English Garrison established at Esopus", the y deserved to be put to death but the Governor inclined to mercy sentences Albert Hymans to be bannished out of this Government during life and he is to have 48 hours to transport his estate and that a fine of 100 bushels of wheat or value thereof be levied on his estatein the Esopus for charges of court, and Arent Albertsen his son is sentenced to be banished for one whole year and a dayand he is to have 40 days to remain in the Esopus for the disposal of his and his father's affairs;One half of the time was remitted by the Governorupon petition of A.H. and he may remain in any part of the Government except Esopus, New York and Albany and his son may remain until his corn is husked, threshed and disposed of. [GB38] Wife Wyntie Ariens was in fact Wyntie Ariensse d'Jong Deed from Indians to Thomas Chambers dated 5 June 1652 for a parcel of land in Esopus is beginning of settlement in Ulster Co. First settlers from Fort Orange include Jacob Jansen Stool, Thomas Chambers, Cornelis Barentsen Schlect, Willem Jansen, Jan Jansen, Pieter Dircksen, Jan Broersen, Dirck Hendricksen Graff and Jan Lootman. Passenger list of Brontekoe/Spotted Cow contains Aldert Heymans, agriculturist from Herwynen, Gelderland. Apparently went to Esopus almost immediately as he and his wife received communion 12 September 1660 5 May 1661 Evert Pels, Cornelis Barentsen Slegt and Aldert Heymanse Roosa appointed commissioners at Wiltwyck, and on 16 May 1661 Peter Stuyvesant granted a charter to Wiltwyck and these 3 were appointed schepens. NOTE 1796-Albert (continued) [EASc] Burger; with his wife and children came from Gilderland, in 1660 on the ship called "The Spotted Cow" from Holland; appointed "Schepan" (Alderman) of Wiltwyck (Esopus), now Kingston NY by Peter Stuyvesant in 1669; served in the military forces of the Colony as mustering officer and in other capacities and on 5 April 1670 recruited at Hurley and Marbletown: See 2nd Annual Report of State Historian NY pp378, 379, 384; also pp 185, 191, 201, 204, 207, 266, 276, 285, 287, 290, 294, 427; New York Historical Magazine Vol 31 pp 235-236-Accounts of Albert and his son Arie