






Johanna Klein


                         Johanna's Website:  www.johannaklein.com




Hi there -

This site is great, I wish I had more time to pour over it in greater detail. It's such an amazing history of our family! I just wanted to update my own contact info, which is out of date.

Name: Johanna Klein

Email: johanna_klein@post.harvard.edu, johannaklein@sloan.mit.edu


Occupation: Graduate student, MIT Sloan


Education: Harvard College, AB Government 1998, London School of Economics, MSc Political Economy 1999, MIT Sloan School of Management, MBA anticipated 2005


Hobbies: dancing, travel, microfinance

Interests: finance, international development, modern languages


Travels: China, South-East Asia, Eastern & Western Europe, North Africa, India, Latin America

Upcoming plans: I will be spending this summer (between my first and second years of business school) working at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines. I'll be working in their Private Sector Operations group, and enjoying the rainy season.


Thanks so much for maintaining this, it's really fantastic. Love to all and hope you're all well! Love, Joh