REFERENCES AND MATERIALS GENERAL [ArCa] The Argent Castle, Newsletter of the Clan MacCallum/Malcolm Society (dates to be included) [CMMS] Letter/Notes from Clan MacCallum/Malcolm Society recd 09/1997 [EMGe] Genealogy by Eleanor McCallum [EEMc] Letter from Edward E. McCallum, descendent of Neil McCallum, mailed 15 October 1998. Includes a family chart, letter to "Virginia" [JMKC], and a hand written note to me [JHLe] Letter from Jane Hildebrand to Margaret Hulbert [JMKC] Family chart of ? Neil McCallum showing relationship to Cole Porter, sent to me by Edward E. McCallum (see [EEMc]) originally compiled by John M. Knight, Rt 1, PO Box 236AA, Vevay (Long Run), Indiana [LBLe] Letter from Lynn Beedle to Margaret Hulbert 19 July 1977 [LSBR] Family Record by Lynn Beedle
Switzerland County, Indiana, Index of Persons and Firms, compiled by Tom Bloomfield, Mildred Hamilton, and Juanita Broodhead, County Historical Indexing Project, Family History Section, Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis 1980 [SAGA] The MacCallum Saga by Katherine Ainsworth INDIANA [DOSC] History of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties [DUFR] Swiss Settlement in Switzerland County, Indiana by Perret Dufour [SCMa] Switzerland County Marriages, 1814-1925 by Wanda L. Morford [SCML] Marriage Licences in Switzerland County, 1814-1830 [SWCI] Switzerland County, Indiana Cemetery Inscriptions 1817-1985 by Wanda L. Morford
CALIFORNIA [CPDi] Directory of City of Placerville, 1862 [EDCH] [ECHS] El Dorado County Historical Society-card files DOCUMENTS OTHER MATERIAL I HAVE SCOT Clan Map of Scotland Ordinance Survey: Lochgilhead Perthshire: No day is Long Enough The Story of the Tartan Pictures and pieces of MacCallum tartan Pictures of Duntrune Castle Articles Re: MacCallum Scottish phone books re: MacCallum Letter from JRT to Margaret Hulbert/Betty Tillotson from Scotland
INDIANA Pictures of Vevay IN Pictures of Long Run IN Maps and Brochures of Vevay and Switzerland Co, IN CALIFORNIA Pictures: Harriet Van Eaton, Amy Van Eaton, House in San Jose, John Van Eaton, Rebecca Van Eaton, ? Belle Van Eaton, Lynn Simpson "Mother of Harriet Ellen Van Eaton" Drawing of John Dick Van Eaton
OTHER MACCALLUMS Daisy MacCallum and the MacCallum House in Mendocino BEEDLE-References and Sources Ancestor Charts Lists of Names Notes from Old Times, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 2 List of descendents of Granville Leo Beedle and Carol Enid Simpson Advertisement for CD by Helen Beedle Miscellaneous letters from Lynn Beedle to JRT Miscellaneous Articles about Lynn Beedle Re: Tall Buildings, Lehigh U BOOKS:
[DUFR] Perret Dufour: Swiss Settlement in Switzerland County, Indiana, Indiana Historical Collection V 13, Indianapolis Historical Collections, 1925, 446pp. (In (IN Vevay Library and Referenced in The McCallum Saga) [DOSC] History of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties, F.E. Weakley & Co., Chicago, 1885, 1282pp. (In Vevay Library) [DOSC] (In Vevay Library) [SAGA] Katherine Ainsworth: The MacCallum Saga: The Story of the Founding of Palm Springs, The Palm Springs Desert Museum, 1973 (see p 48 for references for Neil and Duncan) [SWCI] Wanda L. Morford, Switzerland County, Indiana Cemetery Inscriptions 1817-1985, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1986. (In Vevay Library) [SWCI] MCCALLUM NOTEBOOK 1 Clan Map of Scotland 2 Map of Lochgilphead 3 Pictures of Duntrune Castle 4 Misc. notes about Clans McCallum and Malcolm-5 pages 5 Mc Callum Tartans 6 Telephone Books 7 DUFR Defour, Swiss Settlements of Switzerland County p74, 83-4 8 DUSC History of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties, p 1007 9 SWCI Switzerland County Cemetery Inscriptions 10 Pictures of Vevay and Long Run Indiana 11 MCBK Books in VeVay Libray on McCallums 12 MCLB Other information in Vevay Library, RE: McCallums 13 Maps and brochures from Vevay IN-6 14 VEVE Perth to Vevay in 10 (1984-1994) and 200 (1794-1994) Years A commentary on my trip to Vevay in October 1994 15 Picture of Jane Stuart McCallum Van Eaton 16 SAGA Notes from MacCallum Saga 17 Printed notes re: Palm Springs 18 Letter from Jane Hildebrand-5 pages MCFR MacCallum Family Record ? by Lynn Beedle 19 Daisy McCallum and McCallum House, Mendocino CA 20 JTLe My letter to Margaret and Mom from Scotland 21 Advertisements for MACALLAN, The Single Malt Scotch OREF: Other available references not searched