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"Richard comes to our        "Mammee and Richard. Five weeks old.  April, 1928"    "Richard and I at his eight week mark."

house to stay.

Easter, 1928"




"Mother's home in Santa Barbara." "Richard at eight months." "He always slept out in the yard."  "He had his daily sun bath."




Granville, Richard and                                "We all love our baby."                             John, 1928.

Lynn.  Fall of 1928.



"Spring 1929.  Our baby grows."             Carol and John                     Dog and Gin          Mammee, January 1, 1929.


  John and Richard                                                        Family golfers ?


                                  Lynn                                    Lynn, Carol, Jane and John.                   ?



                                              Gin in Thrift Parade for Ramona School,1930. _________________________________________________________



"When Dad (Lynn Carroll Simpson) had typhoid in 1930, we moved into Mrs. Bates Mansion on the Riviera."



   Pages 1, 2, 3, or 5 of Jane Hildebrand's Family Scrapbook

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