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   "Spring, 1927, Lynn, Carol and Margaret Kay took part in a Spring festival at Ramona school."



"John's first errand.  He bought a bunch of                             "Mother and Dad (Lynn C. and Mammee) on their

carrots at Safeway store, just before he was three."               wedding anniversary, 1927."




                         "We spent a Sunday afternoon in the County Park, Santa Barbara,1927." _________________________________________________________

        "Mill Valley, 1927.  Home for a week, September, 1927.  Oh the beauty and peace.  It is hard to leave."








"This summer grew Dahlias        "The two Johns are fast friends - here are                Gin (?) and John

in the front garden."                  glimpses of them in our backyard."



                     "Betty and Tilly visited us in the fall of 1927 and we had such a lovely visit. 

                     This is Betty, Tilly and John in our backyard." ___________________________________________________________



                                                            "Carol Elizabeth, Rally Day, 1927."





Virginia, November 22, 1927.                                                                                                    Carol, 1927


                                                                           John Kay, 1927.



Ramona school Christmas play, 1927.  Actors in the 1st grade.  Virginia is in "blackface".  (It was a different age.)



                     Lynn on his fifth birthday.      Jane, December 22, 1927.               John



                                                         Lynn Carol Simpson (Dad) with John.


"John as Little Jack Horner in a play at "Jane;                                                 Mammee and Dad bought the

Mt. Olive Sunday school, Christmas, 1927.                                                      coat and hat I wanted." 1927



Pages 1, 24, or 5 of Jane Hildebrand's Family Scrapbook

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