JANE HILDEBRAND'S SCRAPBOOK - PAGE 3 Pages 1, 2, 4, or 5 of Jane Hildebrand's Family Scrapbook or Home Page.
"Spring, 1927, Lynn, Carol and Margaret Kay took part in a Spring festival at Ramona school."
"John's first errand. He bought a bunch of "Mother and Dad (Lynn C. and Mammee) on their carrots at Safeway store, just before he was three." wedding anniversary, 1927."
"We spent a Sunday afternoon in the County Park, Santa Barbara,1927." _________________________________________________________ "Mill Valley, 1927. Home for a week, September, 1927. Oh the beauty and peace. It is hard to leave."
"This summer grew Dahlias "The two Johns are fast friends - here are Gin (?) and John in the front garden." glimpses of them in our backyard."
"Betty and Tilly visited us in the fall of 1927 and we had such a lovely visit. This is Betty, Tilly and John in our backyard." ___________________________________________________________
"Carol Elizabeth, Rally Day, 1927."
__________________________________________________________ Virginia, November 22, 1927. Carol, 1927 John Kay, 1927. ____________________________________________________________ Ramona school Christmas play, 1927. Actors in the 1st grade. Virginia is in "blackface". (It was a different age.)
Lynn on his fifth birthday. Jane, December 22, 1927. John
Lynn Carol Simpson (Dad) with John. "John as Little Jack Horner in a play at "Jane; Mammee and Dad bought the Mt. Olive Sunday school, Christmas, 1927. coat and hat I wanted." 1927 _______________________________________________________
Pages 1, 2, 4, or 5 of Jane Hildebrand's Family Scrapbook or Home Page.