JANE HILDEBRAND'S SCRAPBOOK - PAGE 2 BACK TO PAGE ONE OF JANE HILDEBRAND'S SCRAPBOOK Virginia's 4th Birthday. 803 North Normandie, Hollywood, CA ________________________________________________________________
1426 North Normandie, Hollywood, CA, May 1 to 4, 1926
John Lynn and John Jane, Gin and Carol Carol, Ernest O'Callagan and Lynn Jane helping to collect old glass.
Santa Barbara, CA, July 4, 1926 ___________________________________________________________
Carol E. Beedle Carol Carol Carol, John, Gin and Jane _________________________________________________________ Vacation September, 1926. "We went to Nevada City in the Buick. We stayed in San Jose with Elizabeth (Telfer?) and in Sacramento at Neta's on the way home."
"Elizabeth's children and ours." Eleanor and Jane
"We knew how to keep cool in sunny Southern California" "Our back yard. Summer 1926" "Virginia takes a shower."
Grandma Beedle (Mary Holmes Beedle), 1926
________________________________________________________ "Myrtis and Uncle John (John Van Eaton) had dinner with us late "Uncle John in Arizona, 1912." in 1926 and Uncle John took these pictures." __________________________________________________________ "Our garden progresses." John and Carol "Lynn and Carol have been to their first musical at Miss Barnum's." "We have made a new friend, Margaret Kay Lynn and Carol and her brother John. This is early 1927. _____________________________________________________ Pages 1, 3, 4, or 5 of Jane Hildebrand's Family Scrapbook or Home Page.