







                                      1632 To 1689

The JACOB JANSEN LETTERS. Representations of letters between Jacob Jansen and his parents in the Netherlands, shortly after Jacob's arrival in the new country.


Information gathered by Lynn Beedle on September 8, 1972:

"Since I had a "spare" afternoon (after dropping Helen off at St. Andrews), I thought I would take a look at the old stomping grounds of the Van Eaton tribe in North Carolina.  The information I had to go on was "Rowan County", "Salisbury", "Mocksville", and "Davie County".  It's about midway between Charlotte and Winston-Salem on Highway 601.  The eastern part of North Carolina is flat as a flounder.  But near where the Van Ettens settled it's pretty rolling country; farm land.  Lots of water in the form of creeks, rivers and lakes.  The soil is red -- and then sandy, and just as I was thinking that the soil reminded me of Nevada City, I came to the crossroads of "Gold Hill".  The historical marker says that gold was discovered there as early as 1824 and it was being mined up to 1843.   Flossie Martin of Mocksville provided a mimeographed book:  "A Van Etten - Van Eaton Genealogy" by Kitty Belle Van Eaton/Ruggles.  What a find!  The Van Eaton's had land that was both in Rowan and in Davie Counties, although mostly the latter.  No elegant plantations; a few decrepit ex-houses; mostly beautiful rolling farmland."  The following information and that on the Jan Van Etten, Ja???? (Jacob-James) Van Etten, Jan (John) Van Etten, Samuel Van Eaton, and John Van Eaton pages was obtained from this book.

Jacob Jansen Van Etten was born  the year the Dutch first settled Nieuw Amsterdam.  Jacob arrived in Nieuw Amsterdam in 1658 from Etten, N. Brabant, Holland.  There are two earlier generations recorded in the church there.  He married Annetje Arlans in 1664 in what is now Manhattan.  Her father was a very wealthy man, and an elder in the old Dutch church in Kingston, New York.  They had many children, the eldest of which was Jan Van Etten (1666 to ? ).




From page 10 in "Van Eaton & Allied Familes" by Steven Earl Coulter:


...Jacob Jansen, born in 1632, and baptised October 22, 1634 at Etten, eight miles from Breda, Holland.


Jacob Jansen came to America in 1658 or earlier and settled at Esopus (later called Wiltwyck, and finally Kingston) on the Hudson River in the Dutch colony of New Netherland (now New York state).  He worked as a farm hand for Aert Pietersen Tack.  One record refers to Jacob as the "Head Farmer of Tack."

On June 7, 1663, Indians raided the villages of Esopus and nearby Hurley.  At Esopus, Aert Pietersen Tack's home was destroyed by fire, along with 12 other houses and the church.  Fifteen men, four women, and two children were killed and scalped, and 1 man, 12 women, and 30 children were carried away by the Indians.  Aert Tack disappeared.  He apparently deserted his wife Annetje and returned to Holland, where he reportedly had another wife.  Annetje Arians was granted a divorce from Aert Piertersen Tack on August 21, 1664 at Fort Ansterdam.  The court ordered Tack to come and take his punishment, but he vener returned.  His two children remained in the care of his deserted wife, Annetje Arians or Adrianse.  Annetje may be the Annetje Adrianse who was baptised August 29, 1645 in Amsterdam. daughter of Aerjan Janss and Grietjen Jansen.


The Baptismal Register of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York, shows that on August 14, 1660, Aart Pietersen Tack and his wife Annetje Adriaenses were present at the baptism of their son Cornelius.  It also lists in August 1663, the baptism of Grietjen, daughter of Aart Pietersen Tack and Grietjen Vooght; Jacob Jansen, witness.  Greitjen Vooght was probably Annetje Arians, recorded under another name -- perhaps Annetje's mother was listed by mistake.  In the records of baptisms of Annetje's children by her 2nd marriage, to Jacob Jansen, her name is variously spelled Ariaens, Adriaens, Gelvins, Adriaandr, Ariaans, Adriaanz, and Adriaentse Kam.


The old Dutch court records of Kingston show that in October 1663, "Jacob Jansen de lange (the long)" was fined 75 guilders for harvesting without permission and a convoy -- armed guards for protection against hostile Indians.  "Defendant admits that he harvested without permision and a convoy, and says he does not intend to pay for doing so."  On January 21, 1664, the following note was handed to the minister, Hermanus Blom: "Whereas, on the evening of January 2, last, Paulus Cornelisen, Jacob Jansen, alias long Jacob, Cornelis Brantsen Vos, and Ariaaen Huybertsen, came to an agreement with the Provisional Schout (presiding officer of the court) to pay for the violations committed by them, the sum of one humdred and seventy guilders, in seewan (sewan -- wampum), of which eight guilders are for costs, leaving one hundred and sixty-two guilders, one-third whereof is due to the Church, your Reverence will also receive thereby two schepels of wheat, besides seven schepels of wheat last week, making in all nine schepels of wheat, reckoned at six guilders per schepel (an old Dutch unit of dry measure equal to about 3/4 bushel), forwarded on account of the Church at Wildwyck, being the legal one-third of one hundred and sixty-two guilders."

                                                            Mattheus Capito (Provisonal Schout)


After Aert Pietersen Tack's disappearance, the court sold his property to satisfy his creditors.  Jacob Jansen presented a claim for "338 guilders heavy money in wheat", which was allowed on October 21, 1664.  But before the final settlement of the estate, Jacob Jansen prosecuted another claim and married Tack's widow.  The Marriage Register of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston records:  "Jacob Jansen, young man of Etten, in Brabant, and Annetje Arians, of Amsterdam, deserted wife of Aaert Pietersen Tack, both residing here (in Wiltwyck, name changed to Kingston in 1667)."  First publication of marriage banns, December 28, 1664; second, January 4; third January 11, 1665.  This was only a few months after the English had conquered the Dutch New Netherland and renamed it New York.


The new English government required the adoption of surnames to distinguish one Dutchman from another of the same name.  At that time there were three Jacob Jansens in Wiltwyck.  Our Jacob assumed the name of his birthplace and became Jacob Jansen von Etter.  "Von" means from; leter it became Anglicised to Van and thus the family acquired the name Van Etten.  Later, some branches spelled it Van Eaton or Vaneaton; others shortened it to Eaton; and some changed it to Van Atta.  Jacob Jansen first appears in the records as "Van Etten" in 1670 when his son Adrian was baptised.


In 1676, Jacob Jansen Van Etten signed a petition to Governor Andros for his assistance in procuring a minister for Esopus "That can preache both Inglish and Duche."  Jacob also signed the petition for control of local affairs on January 26, 1684, which so angered the Governor Thomas Donger that all signers were arrested and fined.  In 1689 Jacob took the oath of allegiance to England.  He died about 1693 and is supposed to be buries at Hurley, Ulster County, New York.  He was survived by his wife and 9 or 10 children.


Children of Jacob Jansen Van Etten and Annetje Arians, all baptised in the Dutch Reformed Church:

1.  Jan Van Etten, bpt January 3, 1666.

2.  Sytie Van Etten, bpt March 25, 1668; m. April 23, 1685, Jan Everts 


3.  Arien "Adrian" Van Etten, bpt June 26, 1670; d. 1702/3 m. Catharina Crom

4.  Pieter Van Etten, m. October 12, 1697, Eva de Hooges

5.  Petronella, thought to be a twin to Pieter; m.. June 21, 1696, Aldert Roosa

6.  Heiltje Van Etten, bpt April 21, 1679; m. November 21, 1699, William Van


7.  Emanuel Van Etten, bpt December 29, 1681; m. May 10, 1702, Antje de


8.  Tietje Van Etten, bpt Feburary 24, 1684; m. May 10 1702, Evert Roosa

9.  Jacobus Van Etten, bpt May 2, 1686; m. 1710, Rebecca Roosa

10. Geeseje Van Etten, bpt December 25, 1688; m. November 25, 1704, Jacob

          Decker Jr.


From:  http://pages.prodigy.net/mike-sta4d/josiahst/d111.htm

Jacob Jansen VAN ETTEN was born in 1632 in Noord Brabant, Etten, Holland. He was christened on 22 Oct 1634 in Noord Brabant, Etten, Holland. He died about 1693 in Hurley, Ulster Co. NY. Jacob came to America before 1658. He lived in Marbletown. Parents: John Marinssen Adriense VAN ETTEN and Wilhelmina HOANNES.

He was married to Annetje ARIENS on 11 Jan 1665 in Kingston, Ulster Co. NY. Children were: Jan VAN ETTEN.


From:  http://mit.midco.net/casmith/ARTICLES/jacob_jansen.html


Jacob Jansen VanEtten

By Robert B. Van Atta

Jacob Jansen was born in 1632 and baptized October 22, 1634 at Etten, North Brabant province Holland.  The son of Joannes Marinesen and Wilhelimina Hoannes Adriense, he became the progenitor of the VanEtten/ VanAtta family in America, coming to this country in 1658 or earlier.
When jacob came to America, he settled at what was known at the time as Esopus, on the west bank of the Hudson River in New Netherlands  (later became New York).  He worked as a farm hand for Aert pietersen (or Peterson) Tack, and was referred to in one old record as �head farmer of Tack.�
Esopus was named after the Indian tribe in the area, and was first settled in 1652 by the Dutch.  Relations with the Indians were not good, and the New Netherlands director-general, Petrus (Peter) Stuyvesant, urged an agreement which the settlers signed, May 31, 1658, to erect a palisaded village and demolish their separate dwellings.
A brief war with the Indians, known as the First Esopus War, began after soldiers and settlers senselessly shot three Indians in September 1659. An uneasy peace treaty was signed in July 1660.  Despite the tense situation, the community kept growing and was named Wildwyck by Stuyvesant in 1661.  Then, in June 1663,Indians attacked the village, massacred a number of residents, took others as prisoners, and burned many homes.  The records state that Aert Tack was never seen again after that raid.
A second peace treaty was concluded with the Indians in May 1664, and, later that year, an important step was taken by Jacob Jansen.  But before that, English forces seized New Amsterdam September 8, 1664, and 17 days later Wildwyck came under the authority of the Duke of York.  The state of New Netherlands and the city f New Amsterdam were both renamed New York.  The name Wildwyck fell into disuse, and the town was again generally referred to as Esopus.
The Baptism and Marriage Registers of the old Dutch Church of Kingson, NY. Contain the following marriage record;  �Jacob Jansen of Etten, in Brabant, and Annetje Arians of Amsterdam, deserted wife of Aert Pietersen Tack, both residing here in Wiltwyck.  First publication of Banns, 28 December 1664; second, 4 January; third 11 January 1665.�  Records concur that they were married January 11, 1665.   As was common in those days, Jacob assumed the name of his birthplace and after the publishing of the banns was known as Jacob Jansen von Etten  (from Etten).  Later, the �von� became Van.�
His wife was Annetje Gelvins, daughter of Adrian or Ari Gelvins, interpretation of old Dutch records by experts reveals.  Her name was written in several ways, including Annetje Adriantse Gelvins and Annetje Adrianse Kam.  Genealogists say her father�s name, therefore, was Adrian and his last name Gelvins or Kam.
The nature of her first husband Aert Pietersen Tack�s difficulty emerges through a sequence of court cases beginning in 1662.  There were several problems with employees over wages, and that November he mortgaged the grain crop to be harvested the following year.  Tack apparently left before the fall of 1663, either as the result of the Indian raid or under cover of it.  His wife harvested the grain and was enjoined by creditors from using the harvest (except that which the court ordered her paid for her work in harvesting).
In May 1664, further evidence of Tack�s indebtedness, in this case for cattle, appeared.  In July, the court took steps to condemn Tack�s property for his absenting himself and to sell it to satisfy a list of creditors.  In October of 1664, Jacob Jansen VanEtten, a farmhand of Tack, sued for wages due him.  The following month, Jacob himself was sued to collect a debt of wheat which he admitted but explained that he couldn�t pay due to being sick with fever.  He was granted time until the Tack estate was settled, when he presumably could collect wages due him.
In January 1665, Annetje Ariaens requested relief from her debts because her effects had been sold �on behalf of creditors of her absconded husband.�  That same month, Jacob again requested the court that he be paid his wages from the estate in the amount of �388 guilders heavy money in wheat.�  He was told he could be paid after prior preference creditors were satisfied.
Jacob was still having some financial problems in March 1666, when he was sued for not having paid his house rent of one schepel (about 3/4ths of a bushel) of wheat per month for 13 months.  As late as March 1668, when he was sued for wheat due on the purchase of a house and lot, he could not pay because his wife�s estate had been sold to satisfy her former husband�s creditors.
After that, his financial situation apparently improved.  In 1670, there is mention of Jacob Jansen VanEtten as a resident of Horley (Hurley), near Kingston.  In September 1669, along with some changes and new villages nearby, Esopus became Kingston, the name that has remained since except for a brief time in 1673-74 when the Dutch briefly regained control and the town was temporarily named Swaenenburgh.  But things quieted down after that and ended a turbulent period of 23 years from the founding that had seen two Indian wars and three changes in national allegiance.
Old records have also disclosed that Jacob was a petitioner for a minister for the church at Esopus in 1676.  Jacob Jansen VanEtten took an oath of allegiance, presumably to England, by order of the governor, in Ulster County, NY, in 1689.  He died in 1690.



The following information was taken from the website:  http://www.hopefarm.com/vanetten.htm.  The information appears to be well researched and accurate, and the names and dates correspond with the information available on our ancestors.

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Lineage of the Van Etten Family

From Olde Ulster Magazine

ONE of the famous regions of Europe was known by the name of Brabant as far back as the days of Julius Cesar. During the Middle Ages it was under the dominion of the Duke of Brabant. After the rise of the Dutch Republic it became part of the kingdom of the Netherlands and so remained until 1830 when South Brabant was separated from North Brabant and given to Belgium. Brabant is now divided into three provinces; North Brabant belonging to the Netherlands; Antwerp belonging to Belgium and South Brabant to the same kingdom. The inhabitants of North Brabant speak the Dutch language; those of Antwerp the Flemish and those of South Brabant the Walloon French. From the earliest settlement of the Esopus this name of Brabant was given to the lowlands along the Esopus creek on its west side opposite to and north of Kingston. The name has almost disappeared from local usage; its last survival being in the corporate name of the road of Belgian bridge stone tracks which was called " The Brabant Plank Road." After the death of Johan de Hulter his widow in 1657 was granted the tract of one thousand acres of land which her husband had purchased in 1654 of the Indians. This land lay on both sides of the Esopus creek and largely on the west, or Brabant side of the stream. Among the earliest settlers was a man who was known as " Jan the Brabanter." He was an early owner of one of the lots in the stockaded village. He appears as a corporal at the time of what is known as " The Esopus Mutiny." He subscribed fifteen florins to the salary of Domine Blom in I661 and about this time was in law with Aert Pietersen Tach. At the Indian massacre when the villages of Wildwyck and Nieuw Dorp (Hurley) were destroyed June 7th, 1663, Tach's house was burned and Tach disappeared. It is thought that he was killed by the savages. At least he was never heard of afterwards. His creditors called for an administration of his estate and among those who presented claims was Jacob Jansen, of Etten (van Etten). Etten is a village in North Brabant, six miles from Breda, where, in 1667, the famous ' Treaty of Breda" was signed by which England acquired title to this province and New Netherland became New York. It cannot now be determined if Jan the Brabanter and "Jacob Jansen, of Etten," were the same individual, but they seem to have been. In the court records Jacob Jansen is called "the head farmer" of Tach. The claim was presented on October 2Ist, 1664, and allowed. It was for " 338 guilders heavy money in wheat." But before the final settlement of the estate Jacob Jansen had been prosecuting another claim and married the widow. The record says " Jacob Jansen, young man of Etten in Brabant, to Annetje Arians of Amsterdam (van Amsterdam)." A little later his name appears on a petition that a minister be sent to Kingston and is there signed "Jacob Johnson van Eten." He was here as early, in all probability, as 1658. From this union of Jacob Jansen and the widow of Aert Pietersen Tach has sprung the widely distributed Van Etten family. Jacob Jansen Van Etten was one of those who signed the petition for the control of local affairs on January 26th, 1684, mentioned in OLDE ULSTER, Vol. II., pages 257-62, which so angered Governor Thomas Dongan that all the signers were arrested and fined.

(I.) JACOB JANSEN VAN ETTEN1 married in Kingston ANNETJE ARIANS VAN AMSTERDAM 11 January, 1665.


(2) Jan2: Baptized 3 January, 1666. Resided in Ulster county.

(3) Arian2: Baptized 26 June, 1670. Resided in Ulster county. Died in 1702 or 1703.

(4) Pieter2: Baptized-. Resided in Rhinebeck 1720.

(5) Emanuel2: Baptized 29 December, 1681. Resided in New Jersey 1712-17.

(6) Jacobus2; Baptized 2 May, 1686. Resided in Rhinebeck in 1721.

(III.) ARIAN VAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married CATHERINE CROM. Children:

(7) Annetje3: Baptized 6 October, 1695,

(8) Jacobus3: Baptized 17 July, 1698.

(9) Rachel3: Baptized 17 July, 1698.

(10) Gysbert3: Baptized 24 November, 1700.

(11) Arie3: Baptized 5 April, 1702.

(12) Ary4: Baptized 14 August, 1720.

(13) Johannes4. Baptized 26 December, 1721.

(14) Gysbert4: Baptized 1 December, 1723.

(15) Ariaantje4: Baptized 24 July, 1726.

(16) Catrina4: Baptized 5 January, 1729.

(17) Maria4: Baptized 4 August, 1734.

(18) Albert Roos4: Baptized 17 October, 1736.

(19) Elizabeth4: Baptized 30 May, 1742.

(VIII.) JACOBUS VAN ETTEN3 (Arian2, Jacob1) married CATRINA KOOL (COLE) 27 November, 1719.

Children: [In some manner part of the line of the Van Etten family was transposed in OLDE ULSTER, Vol. II., page 347. Besides this the compiler neglected to include the daughters of Jacob Jansen van Etten and Annet je Ariens. It is deemed best to re-publish the lineage given in the November number.]

(I.) JACOB JANSEN VAN ETTEN1 married in Kingston ANNETJE ARIENS VAN AMSTERDAM 11 January 1665. Children:

(2) Jan2: Baptized January 3, 1666.

(3) Sytje2 : Baptized March 25, 1668; married Jan Everts Terwilliger.

(4) Adrian2 (Arien): Baptized June 26, 1670.

(5) Pieter2: Baptized ___

(6) Nollotie2 (Petronella): Baptized __; married Aldert Roosa.

(7) Heiltje2: Baptized April 21 1679; married William Van Vredenburg. (8) Emanuel2: Baptized December 29, 1681.

(9) Tietje2: Baptized February 24, 1684; married Evert Roosa.

(10) Jacobus2: Baptized May 2, 1686.

(11) Geesje2: Baptized December 25, 1688; married Jacob Jacobse Decker.

Of the above sons, Jan and Arien resided and died in Ulster county. Pieter and Jacobus removed to Dutchess county about the year 1720-1721. Emanuel moved to Warren county, New Jersey, about the year 1715

(II.) JAN VAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married JANNETJE

ROOSA, daughter of Arien Roosa.


(12) Arien3: Baptized August 15 1693; married Sytjen Kuykendall.

(13) Aaltje3: Baptized November 11, I694; married Anthony Westbrook. (14) Jacob3: Baptized December 25, 1696; married Antjen Westbrook. (15) Marytje3: January 8, 1699; married Cornelis Ennis

(16) Annetje3: Baptized September 2I, 1701; married Broer Decker.

(17) Arriaantje3: Baptized November 7, I703; married Aert Middag.

(18) Rebecca3: Baptized March 17, 1706.

(19) Rachel3: Baptized June 20, 1708; married Ritsert Kittel.

(20) Lea3: Baptized April 29, 1711 married Thomas Keeter.

(21) Catrina3: Baptized August 28, 1715; married Jan A. Rosa.

The children of Jan Van Etten with their families, nearly all settled in the Delaware valley in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

(IV) ARIEN VAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married CATHERINE CROM. Children:

(22) Annetje3: Baptized October 6, 1695.

(23) Jacobus3: Baptized July 17, I698.

(24) Rachel3: Baptized July 17, I698.

(25) Gysbert3: Baptized October 6, 1700.

(26) Arie3: Baptized April 5, 1702.

Arien died about the year I702, and his widow was remarried to Hendrick Cortreght December 6, 1703.

(V.) PIETERVAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married EVA DE HOOGES. Children:

(27) Annetje3: Baptized Kingston August 26, 1698.

(28) Johannes De Hooges3: Baptized Kingston May I9, I700.

(29) Jacobus3: Baptized Kingston January 30, 1704.

(30) Margarita3: Baptized March 2, I707; married Johannis Kip.

(3I) Katrina3 : Baptized May 27, 1711; married Franz Kool.

(32) Benjamin3: Baptized December 4, 1715.

(33) Petrus3: Baptized January 24, 1720: married Elizabeth Schriver.

(X.) JACOBUS VAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married REBECCA ROOSA. Children:

(34) Anna3: Baptized Kingston January 7, 1711; married Gysbert Westfall.

(35) Jan3: Baptized Kingston March 29, 1713; married Rachel Westfall. (36) Hillegond3: Baptized Kingston December 4, I715; married Jan Mores.

(37) Lea3: Baptized Kingston October 20, 1717; married Aarant Traphagen.

(38) Jacobus3: Baptized Kingston June 12, 1720; married Lea Van Vredenburgh.

(39) Matthews3: Baptized Kingston May 6, 1722; married Neeltje Van Wagenen.

(40) Abraham3: Baptized Kingston October 11, 1724; married Sara Van Steenburgh.

(41) Isaac3: Baptized Kingston March 12, I727; married Heyltje Van Vredenburgh.

(42) Benjamin3: Baptized Kingston February 8, 1730; married Rachel Kip.

(43) Rachel3 : Baptized Rhinebeck August 1, 1731; married Andries Hermance. Jacobus Van Etten died December 31, 1759, and is buried at Rhinebeck.

Of the families of Pieter and Jacobus, some remained in Dutchess county, but the larger part of them located at or near Albany and some went to Canada.

(VIII.) EMANUEL VAN ETTEN2 (Jacob1) married ANTJE DE HOOGES. The baptismal records at Kingston and Readington, New Jersey, show the following children:

(44) Jacobus3: Baptized Kingston February 14, 1703.

(45) Anna3: Baptized Kingston January 5, 1707.

(46) Jacobus3: Baptized Kingston March 14, 1708.

(47) Johannes3: Baptized Kingston November 10, 1710.

(48) Anna3; Baptized Kingston December 14, 1712.

(49) Samuel3: Baptized Readington May 3, 1723.

(50) Benjamin3: Baptized Readington May 19, 1726.

Emanuel's descendants changed the name to Van Atta. Other lines of the Van Etten family spell the name Van Etta, Van Natten, Van Atten, Van Netten and Van Nette.

(XXIII.) JACOBUS VAN ETTEN3 (Arian2, Jacob1) married CATRINA KOOL (COLE) 27 November, 1719.


(51) Ary4: Baptized August 14, 1720.

(52) Johannes4. Baptized December 26, 1721.

(53) Gysbert4: Baptized December 1, 1723.

(54) Ariaantje4: Baptized July 24, 1726.

(55) Catrina4: Baptized January 5, 1729.

(56) Maria4: Baptized August 4, 1734.

(57) Albert Roos4: Baptized October 17, 1736.

(58) Elizabeth4: Baptized May 30, 1742.

(LI.) ARIE VAN ETTEN4 (Jacobus3, Arian2, Jacob1) married CHRISTINA DE WITT 26 November,1748. The baptisms of their children are given in the Katsbaan church records. He was a signer of the Articles of Association in 1775.


(59) Maria5: Baptized October 4, 1755.

(60) John5: Baptized June 5, 1759.

(61) Jacobus5: Baptized March 29, 1764.

(62) Elias5: Baptized August 26, 1766.

(LX.) JOHN VAN ETTENS (Arie4, Jacobus3, Arian2, Jacob1) married MARRITJE FALKENBERG (VALKENBURG) at Kingston 4 March, 1792. He was a signer of the Articles of Association in 1775 and was a soldier of the Revolution, serving in First Regiment Ulster County Militia, Colonel Johannis Snyder, commanding, and in Third Regiment of the Line (Continentals) commanded by Colonel James Clinton. He was sec ond lieutenant in a company commanded by Captain Isaac S. Davis in June, 1778. Their children were baptized in Katsbaan church.


(63) Jonas6: Baptized May 4, 1793.

(64) Levi6: Born February 8, 1795;

(65) Peggy6: Born July 8, 1799.

(66) John Aaron6: Born May 19, 1801.

(67) Sally Eliza6: Baptized June 2, 1805. Married Benjamin Winne. Lived in Albany.

(68) Eva Marie6: Born August 1l, 1810. Married Abel Barker. Died in Saugerties.

(LXVI.) JOHN AARON VAN ETTEN6 (John5, Arie4, Jacobus3, Arien2, Jacob1) married REBECCA VREDENBURGH October 19, 1826. She was born May 20, 1808.


(69) William H.7: Born ___

(70) John E.7: Born April 2, 1830; died April 30, 1904.

(71) Nelson7: Born ___; died ___ , 1869

(72) David7: Born ___;

(73) Angeline7: Born in I844; died May 16,1904; married Daniel M. Ballard.

(74) Charlotte7: Born ___;

(75) George7: Born January 17, 1848.

(LXX.) JOHN E. VAN ETTEN7 (John Aaron6, John5, Arie4, Jacobus3, Arien2, Jacob1) married ADELAIDE GREENE.


(76) Jessie8: Born ___; married Dr. J. L. Preston.

(77) John G.8: Born ___; married Anna North.

(78) Lawrence E.3: Born ___; married Elizabeth Schoonmaker.

(LXXV.) GEORGE VAN ETTEN7 (John Aaron6, John5, Arie4, Jacobus3, Arien2, Jacob1) married KATHARINE MILLER.


(79) Gertrude3: Born January I, I895. (80) Ruth8: Born May II, I896.

(XII.) ARIEN VAN ETTEN3 (Jan2, Jacob1) married SYTJEN KUYKENDALL May 19, 1729.


(81) Ary4: Baptized December 7, 1729.

(82) Catrina4: Baptized October 21, 1733.

(83) Elizabeth4: Baptized April 26 1736.

(84) Annatjen4: Baptized July 4, 1742.

All were baptized in Kingston. Arien died about 745. His widow married Cornelius Kool Aug. 6, 1747.

(XIV.) JACOB VAN ETTEN3 (Jan2, Jacob1) married ANTJEN WESTBROECK April 22, 1719.


(85) Jan4: Baptized April 17, 1720.

(86) Helena4: Baptized December 24, 1721. She married the Reverend Johannes Casparus Fryenmoet July 23, 1742.

(87) Cornelis4: Baptized January 19, 1724.

(88) Anthony4: Baptized June 12, 1726.

(89) Jannetjen4: Baptized April 20, 1729.

(90) Johannes4: Born 1731.

(91) Sara4 Baptized May 19, 1736.

(92) Dirk4: Baptized May 29, 1739.

All of the above baptisms were in Kingston except that of Dirk, which was at Maghackemek (Port Jervis). About 1730, Jacob Van Etten with his family settled in the Delaware valley in New Jersey, opposite Namanock Island, and his sons married and located in the Delaware valley. Jan Van Etten, the oldest son, was born at Knightsfield Patent, Wawarsing, Ulster county.

(LXXXV.) JAN VAN ETTEN4 (Jacob3, Jan2, Jacob1) married at Maghackemek Church, Deer Park, then in Ulster county, New York, MARITJE WESTFAEL April 3, 1738.


(93) Helena5: Baptized November 1, 1738.

(94) Jacob5: Baptized June 17, 1740.

(95) Daniel5; Baptized July 25, 1742.

(96) Catharina5: Baptized April 23, 1743.

(97) Maria5: Baptized February-, 1746.

(98) Margarita5: Baptized March 6, 1748.

(99) Samuels: Baptized May 27, 1750.

(100) Margritas: Baptized November 5, 1752.

All of these children were baptized in Maghackemek. Jan Van Etten was a captain in the Pennsylvania troops during the Revolution, and was afterwards in the service of the United States near Easton, Pennsylvania.

(LXXXVII.) CORNELIS VAN ETTEN4 (Jacob3, Jan2) Jacob1) was also born at Knightsfield Patent and married HELTJE WESTBROOK March 26, 1746.


(101) Antje5: Baptized November 30, 1746.

(102) Johannes5: Baptized January 20, 1751.

(103) Gideon5: Baptized January 22, 1754.

(104) Magdalena5: Baptized January 27, 1759.

(105) Magdalena5: Baptized March 21, 1762.

All of these children were baptized in Maghackemek. The descendants of Cornelis Van Etten mostly remained in Sussex County, New Jersey.

(LXXXVIII.) ANTHONY VAN ETTEN4 (Jacob3, Jan2, Jacob1) was born at Napanoch, Ulster county, New York, and married ANNATJE DECKER August 3, 1750. He located at or near Port Jervis.


(106) Thomas5: Baptized September 8, 1751.

(107) Antjes: Baptized January 14, 1753.

(108) Janneke5: Baptized April 28, 1754.

(l09) Margrieta5: Baptized February 13. 1756.

(110) Levi5: Baptized February 12, 1758.

(111) Alida5: Baptized August 19, 1759.

(112) Hendricus5: Baptized June 14, 1761.

(113) Blandina5: Baptized Septembe r4, 1763.

(114) Maria5: Baptized November 11, 1765.

(115) Tomas5: Baptized October 16, 1768.

(116) Jacob5: Baptized June 5, 1774.

(117) Anthony5: Baptized October 29, 1780.

All of these children were baptized at Maghackemek, except Jacob who was baptized at Napanoch, New York.

(XC.) JOHANNES VAN ETTEN4( Jacob3, Jan2, Jacob1) was born in New Jersey at Namanock, which was opposite an island of that name in the Delaware river, and married MARIA GONSALES at Napanoch May 18, 1750.


(118) Magdalena5: Baptized October 6, 1751.

(119) Manuel5: Baptized June 2, 175 l.

(120) Rymerick5: Baptized April 14, 1756.

(121) Jacobus5: Baptized January 18, 1761.

(122) Johannes5: Baptized in 1759

(123) Elizabeth5: Baptized February 6, 1763.

(124) Catharina5: Baptized April 29, 1772.

(125) Simeon5: Baptized November 25, 1776.

(126) Anthony5.

(127) Maria5.

JOHANNES VAN ETTEN4 married, second, RACHEL WILLIAMS DECKER, widow of Daniel Decker.


(128) Daniel5: Baptized August 19, 1781.

(129) Cornelius5: Born December 8, 1782.

(130) Solomon5: Born February 12 1789.

(131 ) Dorothy5.

All of the children by the first marriage, except Johannes, were baptized in Maghackemek. Johannes was baptized in Walpack. About the time that Johannes married his second wife, many of the children of the first marriage moved to Tioga county, New York, and located at what is now Van Ettenville in that county. The children by the second marriage lived and died along the Delaware river in Pike county, Pennsylvania. Johannes was also a captain in one of the regiments of Pennsylvania troops during the war of the Revolution.

(XCII.) DIRK (RICHARD) VAN ETTEN4 (Jacob3, Jan2, Jacob1) was born at Namanock and married RUSYE WESTVAEL August 11, I758, at Deer Park.


(132) Sara5: Baptized August 19 1759.

(133) Joseph5; Baptized October 18, 1761.

(134) Petrus5: Baptized September 18, 1763.

(135) Sarah5: Baptized March 22, 1766.

(136) James McCarte5; Baptized November 25, 1776.

Not continued - however - see: VanAken and allied families or the Kaatsbaan Church records for more.

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