1809 to February 3, 1869
The following excerpt was obtained from the book noted below. The pictures that are included were not part of the original text but were added where appropriate. Sketch of G. T. Beedle
From: A Short History of the Beedle Family By: John Beedle, Jr. Dresden, Maine 1865
Original manuscript and close up of the first page as written by John Beedle, Jr. in 1865. Now located in the Genealogical Section in the basement of the Gardiner, Maine Public Library.
Granville B. was named for Sir Granville Temple, some great man that lived in Boston, at the time I suppose that Mr. & Mrs. Beedle lived with James Bowdoin, Esq. Hence by his frequent visits to Mr. Bowdoin they became acquainted with the Hon. Gentleman, hence the name for their son. Now whether Granville T. B. took after his Great namesake or not, I am not able to say. I presume it is not always the case that the named resemble the named for. If this were the case I think we should have a great many Washingtons, Franklins & not to say a thing about the Beedle4 Biographical Sketches pages 13-33 good men of the Bible, and moreover we should be likely to have a great many more good men & likewise great men in our world than we have now. Granville T. while young seemed to be a kind of scape goat for the rest of the Boys to Father their mischief on. One reason for this was that G. T. was more inclined to mischief than the rest of the Boys. Hence, if some mischief was found done & the enquiry was made who did this? the answer would often come "Gran" did it, and somtimes to perhaps when he was not the guilty party. G. T. was a very good looking & sprightly youth, full of fun and frolic, & withal a natural genius. He seemed not inclined to spend his days on a farm, at an early age he signified to his father that he would like to learn the trade of Blacksmith. Accordingly his father selected Mr. Charles Freeman of Hallowell as a man suitable to teach his son this trade. G. T. was in his eighteenth year when he entered Mr. Freeman's shop, as an apprentice. G. T. served his master faithfully through his minority & to the perfect satisfaction of Mr. Freeman, & became an expert workman. Her served him a year as journeyman , at the end of this time, he bought a small shop in Gardiner & set up for himself. He soon drew to his shop plenty of customers. In the process of a few months he pulled down his little shop & built a larger one with two forges. His worldly prospects at this time were very flattering. In about a year he built for his own use a brick dwelling House, this run him considerably into debt. On June 9, 1832 he married Sarah G. Collins, Daughter of Lemuel & Sarah Collins of Industry. In the shop where G. T. learned his trade, the bellows was operated by water power and there was also a trip-hammer in the shop. This was quite an important acquisition to a Blacksmith's shop. And to one that had learned his trade in the shop with above named implements, a shop --(END OF PAGE 27 OF ORIGINAL RECORD)--without this water power, trip-hammer etc. did not seem to be just the thing. So G. T. began to cast about in his mind how he should remedy the defect. Although his shop in Gardiner was not a great distance from the stream of water that propelled the many sawmills & other machinery of Gardiner, yet it was so much higher than the stream that it seemed altogether out of the question to think of making any portion of this stream of water an agent of power to him in his present location. So he concluded to try the wind as an agent of power to move his bellows. He accordingly built an apparatus on the top of his shop to catch the breezes as they came sweeping by to move his machinery, but this did not answer any good purpose for the wind did not move along regularly, smoetimes there was plenty of wind, & then there would be an interim, so after another trial with an iron rod leading down from the roof of a saw mill, the one end connected with machinery in the saw mill & the other connected with a Bellows of the Blacksmith Shop, he succeeded in having his bellows inflated by water power agency. But he could not make this power carry the trip-hammer. 27 Beedle4 Biographical Sketches pages 13-33
He accordingly sold this shop to one of his journeymen & built another near the mill dam where he not only had his Bellows filled with wind by water power, but he had also a trip hammer & other machinery put into the shop, but all this great outlay of shop & apparatus cost no small sum of money, greater than he could raise to meet his demands when they became due. G. T. was obliged to sell out and leave Gardiner. He next settled down at Kendalls Mills, Fairfield. Here he might have done well, but his propensity for building again prevailed. He build a dwelling house here, but did not retain it long. He was again obliged to sell out & move, his father came to his rescue now, bought a small lot of land in Richmond & erected a small home thereon, for G. T. & family to reside in. From this time he took a different turn & prospered in the things of the world as he never did before. He was soon enabled to buy more land joining that on which his house stands, & he also bought 25 acres, some two miles off & payed for it in a short time. He subsequently erected a commodious building for the double purpose of Blacksmiths & joiner shop, for G. T. became a jack of all trades now, he could take a house from the beginning & finish every part throughout. --(END OF PAGE 28 OF ORIGINAL RECORD)--And he also made made waggon, carts, sleds, sleighs, & any thing else any one wanted made, even to the spars of a vessel & other parts. The under part or basement of this shop he put in machinery to be propelled by a single horse, travelling round same as in a cider mill. This machinery carried on the first floor a turning lathe & cider mill, on the floor above this, a small up & down saw, to saw small pieces of hard & soft wood for waggons. In the fall of 1862 he engaged himself as a substitute in the 24th Regt. of nine month men, he received about 200 for this, besides his wages. The Regt. was sent South, the climate did not agree with very many of them, a large percentage of the Regt. never came back. G. T. lived to get back, but it was sometime before he recovered his health. A number in the same Regt., that lived to get home, died not long thereafter.
Granville T. Beedle's records showing his enlistment into the Union Army and his mustering out 9 months later. He originally was to substitute for another individual but subsequently enlisted directly. Original copies located in State Archives of the State of Maine, in Augusta. G. T. made a profession of Religion while he was in Hallowell working as a journeyman, his course like many others has been rather "zig-zag" but at the present time (1865) is trying to stem the tide of opposition, & is making his way heavenward. G. T.'s children that have grown up, in a worldly point, seem to be getting along quite, ? . John Lemuel & Charles Wesley have been in Calafornia for several years, & if report is true are doing well, that is in worldly matters. Abbey Frances married Daniel Alien, Jan'y 15, 1854. Mr. Alien was a shipbuilder in Richmond Village at the time of his marriage, he continued in this business until the downfall of shipbuilding in 1855-6 he like many others failed in business. He removed to New York State where he works as ship carpenter (1865). Wm. Henry enlisted & went into the war in the summer of 1864 & remained 28
Beedle4 Biographical Sketches pages 13-33 until the war was over & was honorably discharged. He has since gone to Calafornia. In the spring of 1868, Granville T. B. had the disease called diptheria, when this had left him, he felt something near the roots of his tongue, which he supposed at first was one of the tonsils that had come down, but when he applied for medical advice he was informed that it was a "fungus tumor" and but little encouragement was given him that it could be cured but he felt that while there was life there was hope, so he applied to a number of different physicians, among the rest to one that had a great name for skill in Boston, he gave him no encouragement (See page 141)--(END OF PAGE 29 OF ORIGINAL RECORD)--[ page 141] that he , or any one else, could help him, he however- charged him 15 dollars for his advice. He continued to work as usual till near November, he was compelled at last to give up work and pretty soon to be confined to his house. He however continued to apply various remedies, but all to no purpose, the tumor continued to enlarge, so that in a short time, he could not articulate so as hardly to be understood. For weeks he suffered extemely, but through all his sufferings he was divinely supported, no murmur or complaint escaped his lips while passing through his severe sufferings. He had made his peace with God years ago, & now he felt that the grace of God supported him in his last struggle. On the morning of the 3rd of Feb. 1869 he quietly fell asleep in Jesus, without a groan or struggle. On Friday the 5th his funeral took place at his residence. The Rev. C. W. Morse Preached the sermon from 1st Cor. 15--56, 57. His body was interred in his Bro. James's Cemetery* there to rest in all probability until the Ressurection Morn. Only two of his children were present to the funeral, three of his sons were in Calafornia, the oldest daughter lives in N. York State. *His remains were afterwards removed to South Gardiner Cemetery. G. T. not long before he died made his will giving all his property to his wife, excepting $50 which was given to his youngest Daughter & youngest son, 25 dollars to each, and appointed his Bro. John Executor. The Estate, personal & real, that G. T. Beedle willed to his wife was appraised nine hundred & forty dollars ($940). This was exclusive of about an acre of land & all the buildings, which his wife had a deed of before his decease. The Estate was settled at an expense of about thirty dollars. It was all closed up on the first Monday in November, 1869. The youngest son G. T. or Temp as he was usually called, staid at home during the summer of 1869 until "his Bro. John came home from Calafornia. Late in the fall of 1869, Temp went to New York State to work with his brother-in-law. Alien, in a place called Rondout. He married a very nice little woman at the same place. Temp died of consumption Dec. 1877, leaving a wife & one child, since his death another one was born.
Beedle4 Biographical Sketches pages 13-33
[Page 8 of the typed copy of the manuscript has the following obituary notice of John Beedle, Granville T's son. The notice is designated as a Newspaper Clipping 3/3/13] RICHMOND John Beedle died at his home on the River Road. about 4 A. M. Monday. He had been in poor health for the past year and about two weeks ago suffered a paralytic shock and gradually failed. Mr. Beedle was born in Gardiner, 79 years ago, and made his home in Richmond the greater part of his life. A widow and two children, Mrs. LeNora Niles and Frank Beedle, both of Richmond, 'survive. Funeral services will be held from the home, at 2 P. M. Thursday. Rev. A. A. Lewis of the Methodist church of this town will officiate. Interment will take place at Mount Hope cemetery at South Gardiner. [John Beedle and his wife are buried in the lot with his father and mother. D. R. W. ] Photos taken in October, 2006 by Don and Liz Healy. From left to right: Mt. Hope Cemetery South Gardiner of headstone of Granville T. and Sarah (Collins) Beedle and John L. and Ellen (Yeaton) Beedle; 1855 map of property ownership along Beedle Road north of Richmond, Maine; street sign at corner of Beedle Road and River Road; Granville T. Beedle's math schoolwork; and G. T. Beedle's penmanship workbook.
1867-8 Business Directory for Bath, Brunswick & Richmond, Maine
The History of the 24th Infantry Regiment in which Granville T. Beedle enlisted during the Civil War. (Source -- Ancestry.com.)
Regimental History
__________________________________________________________________________________ The information below was taken from the following website. While it appears accurate, it has not been verified. www.freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kawilhelm/mgen/beedle.html#a8
___________________________________________________________________________________ From Geraldine Masters, on April 14, 2002: Granville Temple Beedle, the youngest son, stayed with his mother, Sarah G. (Collins) Beedle, until his brother, John L. came home from California. John came home in the late Fall of 1869. This would be Charles W. and William H.'s brother John Lemuel. This seems like it would be the John that Charles Wesley Beedle bought property from.