








From Don Healy on August 14th, 2003:


Dick and Dorothy Beedle arrived in Seattle on the evening of August 12th.

On the evening of Wednesday the 13th, Carol, Dick and Dorothy; Curt, Teresa,

Jessie and Lauren Haldorson;  Marilyn Ramirez; and Don, Liz and Alissa Healy

all got together at Mom's (Carol Healy's) for a wonderful dinner and evening

of catching up.  Here are a few photos:


        Dand D 2.JPG (106947 bytes)  D and D 81303 2.JPG (160006 bytes)  Alissa and Lauren.JPG (108444 bytes)  JesLizMomMarDorTer.JPG (107706 bytes)


                dANDd 81303.JPG (130087 bytes)      LizJesMom.JPG (88284 bytes)     DSCN3748.JPG (163708 bytes)





                                     1021_University.JPG (184252 bytes) 

                      Gin & Page Douglas at 1021 University Ave., San Jose

                                    Originally the home of John Dick Van Eaton and

                                    birth place of Carol (Simpson)  Beedle.


                                      Carmel_Meeting.JPG (468289 bytes)

                                   "Surprise visit in Carmel"

                                                     Carol Stoye, Laurie Parker and

                                                           Nan & Peter Hildebrand

  Jessie_4_candles.JPG (331865 bytes) Jessica Haldorson turns four.

         Garrett, Alec, Jessica & Liz and Malady the Orangutan   malady_and_kids_.JPG (298153 bytes)  


                  mvc-012f.jpg (468072 bytes)  Will__Will_2.JPG (649221 bytes)  MVC-004F.JPG (205519 bytes) 

                    William Harold Pitts, III and doting father and grandfather, Rick Beedle.


                                                                     Nehemiah_Announcement.JPG (315417 bytes)

                                              Birth Announcement for Nehemiah Philip Hires.