Vanessa & Lee Hoffer
Emily & Mitch Levesque
Christopher Hildebrand







Emily & Mitch Levesque

                        Emily Peter Sara Jockeys Ridge SM.JPG (48538 bytes)    PeterEmily SM.JPG (53296 bytes)     PeterEmilyLynnDon Js Ridge SM.JPG (75445 bytes) 

                           Pictures from Family Reunion at Nags Head, N.C., June, 2003.   



To view Emily's painting and art work you can go to Emily Hildebrand's website, www.emilyhildebrand.com.  Well worth checking out!!!  Here is one of her pictures from the site:


                                       SUZANNE.jpg (50984 bytes)




Here's another of Emily Hildebrand's fabulous works of art:


                 unmovedmover.jpg (69516 bytes)  "The Unmoved Mover"