JULY 4, 1916 TO APRIL 8, 1986
Leo Healy was born July 4th, 1916 in Santa Clara,California to Royal
and Bessie (Knauer) Healy. Since Bessie had a friend in California and Royal
Wallace was in the Merchant Marine and was at sea, Bessie had traveled to
California from Seattle so she could give birth at her friend�s home at 1071 Alviso Street, Santa Clara, California. (Birth Announcement).
Shortly after the
birth, Bessie and Don returned to Seattle where they lived at several different
residences within the next few
years (See Bessie�s Page)
before they settled in the Richmond Beach area.
Birth Announcement
Birth Certificate 

attended kindergarten in what is now the Richmond Beach Library. At 7 years the
family moved to 1209 45th Ave. N. Seattle, and remained there for
until after Don left home. Don attended an elementary school in the
neighborhood, followed by Interlake Intermediate School and Lincoln High School.
Don & sister Nadine at Richmond Beach, WA

Don's Report Card from the Second Grade

Don's Lincoln High
School Graduation Program from 1935
Following high school. Don worked part-time and attended
college part-time. He
went to the University of Washington off and on for 5 or 6 years. He would take
particular courses of interest to him in math, astronomy, physics, and
chemistry. Frequently, he would have difficulties with the course the first time
through, but he would then retake the same course and do fine. During this
period he was in ROTC at the University of Washington and also took flying
lessons at Boeing Field.
pursued numerous interests, principally in the areas of mechanics, watching
making, instrument repair and explosives. He started with watch making and
repairing mechanical objects at age 8 or 9, and by age 15 was operating a watch
repair business out of his home. This was a practice that he maintained through
out his life, although in his later years he moved more into jewelry repair.
During his teen years he and some friends constructed a diving bell and tested
it in Richmond Beach and/or in Lake Union. As I recall, a bicycle pump provided
the air supply. Friends watched as Don tried out his new invention to see if it
would work.
another occasion, Don and some friends set off a bomb that Don had constructed,
in Green Lake in the middle of the night. Very loud! It rattled windows all
around the lake.
was a very good mechanic and watchmaker, but at an early age he specialized in
understanding the properties of numerous materials, metals, and explosive
devices. He knew which materials were best for certain applications. He knew how
to use black powder, TNT, and other chemicals to create devices for specific
uses. If you wished to crack open a boulder, remove a stump, make a big
firecracker, or smoke device, or powder that crackled when you walked on it, he
knew exactly how to do it safely, and did.
of Don�s friends included Darrell, June, Amy, and Archie Vandercleeve. Don�s
best friend Darrell, was killed in an automobile accident, when Don was 16 or
so. Don was a passenger in the vehicle and was thrown through the windshield but
emerged relatively unhurt. Perhaps as a result of this accident and his more
cautious nature, Don was a very good driver. When the family went on their
lengthy vacation trips when Roy Healy was home from the sea, Don did almost
of the driving.
the summer of 1941, Don�s ROTC unit was assigned to summer camp at Fort Baker,
California, where they learned to fire the large disappearing guns that were
part of the coastal defenses. Don apparently suffered kidney damage from the concussion of the disappearing guns and was admitted to
Letterman Hospital and
then placed on inactive duty on September 11, 1941. (When the U.S. entered World
War II latter in the year, this unit went on to Corrigedor in the Philippines
and many died or became prisoners of war.) It was during this period in the
summer of 1941, that Don met Carol at a dance at the Presidio, organized for service men by the USO. (Jane, Mom, and Gin occasionally went to these dances.
Gin more occasionally.) When he was placed on Inactive Reserve status, Don then went to work for Pan American Airlines in the instrument shop on Treasure
Island, California (He had worked at an instrument shop in Seattle on Elliott
during his college years.)

Fall 1941: Taken at Pan American Airways facility on Treasure Island, San
Francisco, CA.
by Donald Leo Healy who was working as an instruments technician for Pan Am
after being
relieved from US Army ROTC Summer Camp after suffering a kidney or bladder
injury while
firing disappearing guns in the Coast Artillery. (He re-joined the Army
after the outbreak of
World War II after returning to Seattle)
Don in uniform prior to WW II 
Dec. 7th, 1941, after learning of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Don
came over to Mom�s, had dinner, left for Seattle, and was reactivated from
Seattle into the U.S. Army Infantry. Mom recalls a story of his eating cookies
provided by the Beedle family after this dinner, while stuck in snow bank on his
way by car back to Seattle. With the nation at war, the Army had quickly decided
that Don was physically fit for duty. On March 7, 1942, he received orders to
return to active duty, pending the results of a physical examination. On April
1, 1942, he was shipped to Camp Wallace, Texas, to the Coast Artillery Replacement Training Center for duty with the rank of 2nd
From Texas he was send to Fort Mason, CA, to the Presidio of Monterey (April 14,
1942) and back to the Port of Embarkation in San Francisco, CA on April 17th,
on a troop transport ship, and arrived in Hawaii on April 28, 1942.

Don in uniform during World War II
Hawaii, he was first stationed at Fort Shafter, the oldest U.S. military outpost
on Oahu, with Battery "A" of the 64th Coast Artillery. On July 9th,
1942, he was transferred to SO #73, Headquarters of the 7th Air Force
at Hickham Field as Assistant
Engineer 0. He was promoted rapidly, to 1st Lieutenant on
November 7, 1942, and to Captain on January 11, 1943. On
25, 1943, he was designated Officer in Charge of
the Instrument Repair Section.
During his tour of duty, he was
at various times Officer in Charge of the Fabric and Parachute
Section, Officer in Charge of Project "A", and ended his
tour in Hawaii as Officer in Charge of the Bombsight & Instrument
There they did repair work and research to improve
the bombsight process. On
August 6, 1945, he was promoted to
Major. Apparently, he was also involved in
some other
experiments. He mentioned that they experimented with the
idea of
bringing the tires on the B-24�s up to speed before
touchdown to reduce the
wear on, and extend the life of the
tires; rubber being in short supply. They
quickly learned that
doing so dramatically increased the length of the landing roll
out. The Army Air Corp concluded that it was better to wear
out more tires
than to loose more aircraft.
and his unit at Hickham Field, Hawaii, in front of B-26.

Listing on Don's wartime assignments; early WW II.

and Dad corresponded during this period frequently to
infrequently. He came back in the December of 1944 and married Carol in January
1945, then returned to his post in Hawaii until the end of the war. When
World War II ended,
Don returned to Mill Valley, getting back just
before the
arrival of a baby boy (Donald Roy
Healy). Shortly after his return, Don went to work for Carrow &
Green in San Francisco as a watchmaker. This lasted a few
months before he set up his own shop in Mill Valley, in a corner
of a stationery
shop in El Paseo. He was in this location for less
than one year before he moved
the shop to the Mill Valley Bank
Building, then moved the shop back into his own
space in El Paseo. During this period he worked in partnership with Mr. Bell.
Mr. Bell was more interested in the retail side of the business, while Don
focused on watch and clock repair. Don and Carol lived in several rented homes
in Mill Valley before
purchasing their first home at 54 Bayview, Mill Valley.
Don Roy and Marilyn were born when Don and Carol
lived in the little
house at 25
Renz Road (originally built as a
legal library for
Sylvester Simpson�s law library, behind the family residence at
29 Renz Road). Kit was born while Don
and Carol lived at 54
Bayview in Mill Valley.
next worked for Silge and Kuhina, an instrument repair company in San Francisco
for several years. He was a salesman for Silge and Kuhina and during this period
the family lived at 7
Robertson Terrace in Mill Valley. A few years later, Don
and Carol purchased the home at 29 Renz Road from Carol�s parents, Granville
and Carol Beedle, just prior to David�s arrival
in 1955. Don worked for the
Camera Center in San Rafael when
David was born in 1955. At the Camera Center, Don both sold
cameras and repaired cameras and watches. He worked there
several years until 1957. In 1957, Don began his employment
with University of
California in Berkeley, working there with
one brief intermission until his
retirement in 1978. He first
worked in the Zoology Department, where he developed the
sectioning knife for the electron microscope,

Letters concerning the patent rights for the sectioning knife.
and later worked in
the Space Sciences Lab, Botany and Bacteriology Departments, Microscope Repair
Shop, Electrical Engineering Department, and the Radiation Lab (involved the Chico trips). In 1970, while working in the Biochemistry
Department, Don
developed the Electrophoresis Machine used in analyzing DNA. As mentioned
earlier, Don�s greatest expertise was in understanding the nature and
properties on many metals and materials. While working for the University in numerous capacities, professors and students would need
machines or apparatus
built for experiments they were conducting. These individuals would describe to
Don exactly what it was they needed the machine to do, and Don would either
build the machine from scratch, or modify commercially available equipment to
meet their needs. One project I recall involved the need for a pump that would
not generate any static electricity. Don built a pump in which all the moving parts were glass.
had always wanted to return to the Seattle area. Following his retirement from
the University of California on May 1, 1978,
Don and Carol moved back to the
Shoreline area, just north of
Seattle, and almost within sight of the Richmond Beach area
that Don had grown up in during his early youth. They returned
Seattle on August 23, 1979.
his later years, Don suffered from congestive heart failure. On
April 7th, 1986, Don, Carol and Jane were driving back from lunch
in Everett along a road just north of Edmonds, when Don
a heart attack. He was taken to the Intensive Care
at Stevens Hospital where he regained consciousness
appeared fully alert and his normal communicative self. He
to remain overnight on monitors and be fully evaluated
his release. However, early in
the morning of April 8th,
had a massive heart attack and the staff was unable to
� Bobby, Johnny and Marilyn Stories.
of July- blew up milk box with Page in the 1940s, attached very large home-made
firecracker to redwood tree below the house in the 1970�s (very loud). On
every 4th of July, he found a way to celebrate with nation�s
founding with suitable, frequently home-concocted explosions of one sort or
In cleaning up his belongs after his passing, a very large
(two large garbage bags) of firecrackers and fireworks were found, along with
several pounds of black powder, and a wooden box containing five practice
grenades. As with metals and materials, Dad�s knowledge of the properties of
these items was extensive, he handled them very safely, and he loved fireworks.
Perhaps it had to do with being born on the 4th of July.
� wired the front walk with crackle stuff, squawkers and flares.
always did his shopping at the last moment. Bennett�s: famous story about
coming in just before closing on Christmas Eve--saying "don�t close yet,
It�ll only take me 10 minutes" and he was right.
up train before Christmas � tree was set up Christmas Eve, after children went
to bed.
� once driving you couldn�t get him to stop for love nor money.
his father, Royal, he learned to tie knots and to climb the rigging of tall
ships. He was not afraid of heights.
encouraged his children to "do whatever you wish in life; just do the best
you can at whatever you choose to do".
supportive; encouraged you to think for yourself.
always learning something new � generally related to science, but was also
interested in theories of religion and the formation of the cosmos.
by Kit Healy
Dad had mentioned on at least one occasion that when he died, he wanted
his ashes spread at sea; and that after this was done, we should all go out
and have a party. As fate would have it, about four months ago Don Roy purchased a 28-foot Islander sailboat (which he named the
"MistDefying"); and
at the time of Dad's memorial service he suggested that we could all sail out
together on the waters of Puget Sound and spread the ashes as Dad had wished.
As of Friday, April, 13, it didn't appear as though the weather was going to
cooperate. Forecasts called for rain, wind and cold, but we didn't want to
delay too long, especially since David and Sherry needed to return to San
Francisco by Saturday evening (April 12).
As Saturday morning dawned, the skies were overcast and the air was chilly
but there was no rain and not much wind. So we called Don. Then Mom, Marilyn,
Monique, David, Sherry, Nadine and I drove up to Don's apartment in Mukilteo.
Don and I went down to his boat at the Everett Marina and prepared it for
getting underway. The others arrived a little while after; and around noon
we pulled out of the slip and cruised out of the marina under motor power.
The weather was still overcast but there were patches of blue sky; the temperature was quite comfortable; there was only a slight breeze; and the water
was very calm.
As we motored past the end of the breakwater. Don spotted a seal basking
on a buoy, so we cruised toward it. Dad had seen seals while swimming in
Puget Sound as a teenager and he enjoyed their carefree company. As we passed
within twenty feet or so of the buoy, the seal watched us go by with a sort
of casual but friendly expression and we continued cruising south out into the
middle of Port Gardner Bay. At around 12:40, Don stopped the motor and 1et the boat drift at a point
several hundred yards away from a large freighter moored in the harbor. The
water still quit calm with gentle swells. We all gathered together in the
cockpit near the stern and Don read a short address that he had prepared. It appears as follows.
Dear Dad:
As you told us many tines during your life, it was your wish that
upon your passing we scatter your ashes on the waters of Puget Sound. We are gathered here today to fulfill that request and to return your
mortal remains to the waters that you so loved and that nurtured you
during your life. As we say goodbye to your physical presence, your
spirit and essence remain within each of us, stronger than ever before. And as we continue forward in our lives, the generosity, the compassion,
the tolerance, the willingness to listen to and to encourage not only
family and friends, but all beings with whom you shared this life, and
the philosophy that each of us should let our imaginations guide us in
achieving all that we can from life; to live our dreams, so to speak;
that these ideas and philosophies that you taught us will continue with
us through our lives and thus be passed forward from one generation to
another in an embodiment of the spirit that is you.
Dad, may your future be filled with peace and harmony, as we most
lovingly say farewell to you for the time being.
I had also prepared the comments which appear below and read them after
Don was finished.
Well Dad, here we are on Don's boat, delivering your ashes to the
waters of Puget Sound as you requested. We will certainly miss your
physical presence, but your spirit lives on with us. Although its a
shame you couldn't have been around longer to be with us and to do all
the things you were so enthusiastic about doing, nonetheless, I, at
least, am not sad. On the contrary, I've been feeling a remarkable kind
of joy and I think it's because you did such a good and complete and
full job with your life. When I spoke with you last Sunday, you mentioned, as you have mentioned before, how proud you were with all of
us. Well we feel at least as fortunate and proud for having had such
a loving, generous, talented and otherwise superlative father. Your
life was a full and splendid thing and rather than mourn, I feel like
celebrating a job well done. So ...
(Please note all the exclamation marks at the end of that.)
Thanks so much for everything. And whatever you're doing, keep on enjoying yourself. We will, too.
Also, I was going to get rid of this model of the Santa Maria a long
time ago but you always wanted to keep it. So we're going to try to
set it afloat with your ashes. It needed ballast, so we filled it up
with a few of your many pencils.
Take care and thanks again for everything.
Following this. Mom spread the ashes gently into the water over the
stern. David then launched the Santa Maria which I had built at the age of
twelve or so. Unfortunately, it did not stay upright very long, but it
remained afloat nonetheless.
After a short interval, Don restarted the motor and we cruised back
toward the marina, again passing the buoy with the seal on it. He was still
there, basking away, but as we passed by him this time, he gave us a nice,
enthusiastic bark.
After securing Don's boat at its slip. Sherry said that she and David
would like to treat us all to lunch at a restaurant at the marina named
Pelican Pete's, adding that this would be particularly appropriate since
Dad had become fond of eating there. So we had a very pleasant and satisfying lunch at Pelican Pete's. As we were leaving Mom also mentioned that
they had just left this same restaurant with Jane and were driving back home
when Dad had his first seizure, thus making it the place where Dad had his
last meal.
From here, we all drove David and Sherry down to SeaTac Airport so
they could catch their 4 P.M. flight back to San Francisco. Then Mom, Don,
Nadine, Marilyn, Monique and I ultimately all returned to the house around
5 P.M. and had some Breyer's ice cream with some delicious strawberries on
top which Monique had picked out.
Lynn Beedle:
That was a good write-up! Very informative. Learned a lot about Don. He
was a sure-nuff entrepreneur. Couple of things:
That diving bell: Did it work?
The "little house:" I know it housed that huge library of legal books,
but was it really built to house the legal library? Could be. One of my
sisters (all of whom have better memories than I) will know.
You don't record his date of death. That should be included. It's
difficult to write about, I know, but folks long beyond us will want to
know what brought it on. (Incidentally, I think I was one of the last
ones to visit with him. It was late one night and for some reason I
couldn't go see him when the others did. The next morning we got the news.)
I remember how strongly he wanted to return to Seattle. It's so good
that he could have those years there.
My recollections of Don were of him sitting at the head of the dining
room table there at 29 Renz -- talking. He could hold forth on just
about any topic in the world. So well informed!
I really liked Don.