Currently, I am unaware of any overall plan to achieve a more peaceful world in any comprehensive fashion. Numerous organizations are working on individual projects, but for the most part, these existing programs are operating on a haphazard basis. A plan is needed to create a process by which peace can be initiated and maintained throughout the world. If the objective is worldwide peace, then it is obvious that a worldwide body is necessary: The United Nations would be the most logical choice. However, the existing arrangement under which any of five major powers have absolute veto power will need to be modified. The proposed steps would be as follows:
Over time, as the most flagrantly uncivilized nations are converted, the process of conversion should begin to snowball. It is human nature to acquiesce, when individuals or groups come to the realization that that which they had been so strongly avoiding, is both inevitable and righteous. Once an "uncivilized" government has been overthrown, then the difficult phase of the conversion process must begin immediately. The United Nations must then send in personnel trained to create the national infrastructure necessary to allow a "civilized" society to take seed and flourish. In many cases the following assistance will be needed:
The resources, financial and otherwise, needed to accomplish this will be of an unprecedented magnitude. However, the cost of not doing so will be even larger in the long run. If we could calculate the total cost of the wars fought during the past hundred years, the amount would be astounding. If we add to that the cost of the maintaining large armies, navies and air forces during the more peaceful periods during the last century, the dollars spend are even more astounding. If just a portion of these sorts of expenditures could be utilized by the United Nations as outlined above over the next century, I believe we could make major strides in making this world a much more harmonious place. Don Healy 2003 |