Lynn & Sandy Beedle
Helen Beedle
Jonathan & Karen Beedle
David & Laura Beedle
Edward & Nancy Beedle







David & Laura Beedle

                       Maximilian Beedle


                           David Beedle.JPG (350733 bytes)  Laura Edward Lynn Jockeys Ridge SM.JPG (59922 bytes)  Laura Holly SM.JPG (55060 bytes)


                                             Photos from Family Reunion at Nags Head, N.C. in June, 2003.



The following are descriptions of videos created by Jonathan and David Beedle 

for clients:  The first is an award for their production, the second a description 

of a video they produced that is housed in University of Chicago Library.

Program: Forging A Framework of Excellence
Company: GPU Energy
Award: Bronze (Internal Communications)
Writer: David Beedle
Producer: Barry V. Sell
Director: Jonathan Beedle
Program Notes: The intent was to tell employees that we had many
accomplishments in the past. However, our greatest challenges were yet to
come. We need to prepare for the competitive changes in our industry. The
final message was that the future is in the hands of every employee.
Audience: Upper level management/motivational open for management
meeting/projection TV
Origin: Reading, PA
Length: 2:35 minutes

Videos | Videorecordings held by the University of Chicago Library: 7.
Science and Medicine
Guide to Videorecordings held by the University of Chicago Library
compiled by Frank Conaway
Sources in Social Sciences in the University of Chicago Library, 9
University of Chicago Library
Chicago, Illinois 2000

1457. Tall buildings 2000 and beyond. Beedle, Jonathan; Beedle, David J.,
and Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, producers. Bethlehem, PA:
Atmospheres; 1991. 1 videocassette (40 min.); sd., col 1/2 in.
Note: "Taped in Hong Kong at the Fourth World Congress on Tall Buildings
held by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat." The urban
environment -- Population density and the success of Hong Kong -- Influences
on architecture -- Life safety -- Shaping the city -- How tall? --
Flexibility and change: into the 21st century. Sci VidCass TH6057.T23T36
Tall buildings/ Architecture and society.
