December 26, 1792 TO May 14, 1850

Tombstones of Daniel Lyon and Tryhena Healy in Healy
Cemetery near Moscow, Iowa.
Healy Cemetery Map
Showing Location of Healy Cemetery 
born December 26, 1792 in Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts241 Christened:
October 05, 1800, Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts243, and died May
14, 1850 in Moscow, Iowa. He married TRIPHENA KIDDER February 02, 1817,
daughter of JEDEDIAH KIDDER and CHLOE FOSTER. She was born October 03,
1791 in Wardsborough, Vermont, and died July 07, 1861 in Moscow, Iowa. She was a
descendant of James Kidder of England; of Cambridge, Mass. 1649, and later
Ipswich. Daniel Lyon Healy was born on the Deacon William Healy homestead
in Dudley where he lived as a boy. When a young man he taught school in Dudley.
After his marriage he kept the Old Black Horse Tavern in the village, which was
directly opposite the Conant Memorial Church. Stages made the Tavern their
stopping place, which, with its ballroom, was a feature of Dudley social
life. It was originally called The Black Tavern for the very good reason that
its color was black. Its owner, with Yankee shrewdness, had discovered that
black paint wore longer than any other color. He made several changes
after giving up the Tavern, and in the spring of 1838 prepared to move his
family of seven growing boys and one girl to Cedar County, Muscatine, Iowa on
the Mississippi River, which was a considerable task before the days of
railroads. From Southbridge, Mass., they went to Providence, R.I. and from there
to New York City by boat; up the Hudson River to Albany; thence through the Erie
Canal to Buffalo; on to Cincinnati; down the Chio River and up the Mississippi
to Muscatine, where the household goods and personal belongings they managed to
take with them were moved by team to their new home.
Children of DANIEL
i. WILLIAM KIDDER7 HEALY, b. November 11, 1817, Dudley, Worcester
Co., Massachusetts243; d. August 28, 1842, Moscow, Iowa; m. (1) ZELINDA
PARSONS, September 1839; d. in childbed October 28, 1840; m. (2) CAKES, November
ii. DANIEL DWIGHT HEALY, b. December 26, 1818, Dudley, Worcester
Co., Massachusetts243; d. July 20, 1832, Dudley, Worcester Co.,
Massachusetts - age 13 y 7 m243. Burial: New Cemetary, Dudley,
Worcester Co., Massachusetts243
iii. CHESTER FRANKLIN HEALY, b. November 20, 1820, Dudley,
Worcester Co., Massachusetts243; d. October 17, 1886, Moscow, Iowa; m.
(1) POLLY ANN RUGHES, August 11, 1841; b. April 25, 1819; d. May 01, 1851; m.
(2) ELIZABETH A. CONANT, October 03, 1853; b. October 18, 1828, Southbridge,
Worcester Co., Massachusetts; d. June 02, 1867, Moscow, Iowa; m. (3) LOUISA C.
COPELAND, September 11, 1868; b. May 23, 1828, Cadiz, Ohio; d. November 18,
1922. Children include; 1. WILLIAM JACKSON HEALY b. 10/15/1842, d. 9/9/1845
2. SARAH MELVINA HEALY b. 9/22/1844, d. 9/18/1845 3. ELIZABETH MELVINA
HEALY b. 10/21/1847, d. 12/16/1875 in Santa Clara Co.,
Cal. age 28; m. MATHEW DANIEL GREEN 10/22/1862 and had WILLIAM DANIEL
GREEN b. 4/25/1875; m. NORA WOODLAND PIERCE of Gloucester Co., Pa., 4/19/1911.
3. DANIEL LYON HEALY b. 1/15/1850, m. HARRIET AUGUSTA MILES 4/27/1884 in
Visalia, Cal., who was b. 2/28/1852 in Healdsburg, Cal. and had KATHERINE A.
HEALY b. 8/22/1885 in Hanford, Cal., d. at birth of 2nd child; m. J. E. HILL
10/1908 in Berkeley, Cal.; Res. S.F. FLORA E. HEALY b. 10/21/1887 in
Hanford, Cal., m. JOS. S. COURREGES 4/11/1909 in Berkeley, Cal. He was in the
exporting business.
4. ALBERT FRANCIS HEALY b. 1/4/1855, d. 9/24/1869, age 14 5. LUCIUS
CHESTER HEALY b. 8/7/1860 was a farmer in Moscow, Ia.; unm. 1914 6.
ABBIE CONANT HEALY b. 11/12/1862, d. 5/6/1886, age 24 7. JENNIE ESTELIA
HEALY b. 4/7/1865 in Moscow, d. 1/10/1921 age 60, married 3/18/1885 WILLIAM
RUSSEIL SPEER son of Thomas R. and Martha (Russell) Speer. He d. 10/4/1897, age
36 and is buried in Healy Cemetery, Moscow. Jennie went to live with her
unmarried brother Lucius on his farm near Moscow. They had; HARRY RUSSELL SPEER
b. 5/5/1886, d. 8/13/1886 and LULA MAY SPEER b. 7/8/1897, d. unmarried
8. GEORGE ADAMS HEALY b. 4/23/1867 in Moscow, d. 1/24/1934, age 66; married
4/8/1881, ELNORA HIRSCHMAN, dau. of John and Didemma (Heddleston) Hirschman, who
was b. 1/9/1868 in Moscow. They had; GLENN GEORGE HEALY b. 2/7/1892 in Moscow,
m. HATTIE MYRTLE LINN, dau. of William and Mary Linn, who was b. 11/4/1889 near
Spfld., Ia. Res.Moscow. MABEL IRENE HEALY b. 7/21/1896 in Moscow, m.
ALBERT MAURER 6/7/1916 who was b. 12/19/1893 in Whitten Jct., Ia., a farmer near
W.Liberty, Ia. ERMA ELIZABETH HEALY b. 6/5/1900, d. 6/21/1900)
ERNEST RAYMOND HEALY b. 6/5/1900, d.12/29/1900) VERA HEALY b. 2/19/1902,
d. 2/23/1902 LEO CLARENCE HEALY b. 4/25/1904
9. CHARLES COPELAND HEALY b. 4/14/1872, d. unm. 3/22/1913 in Moscow, Ia.
54. iv. ABIEL LYON HEALY, b. July 22, 1822, Dudley, Worcester Co.,
Massachusetts; of Iowa; d. February 25, 1894, Wilton, Iowa.
v. EDWIN HEALY, b. April 09, 1826, Dudley, Worcester Co.,
vi. HENRY HEALY, b. Abt. 1828, Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts243
Christened: May 04, 1828, Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts243; d.
June 23, 1832, Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts - 4 y 4 d243. Burial:
Old Cemetary, Dudley Center, Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusetts243
vii. HEZEKIAH HEALY, b. September 07, 1829, near Woodstock, Windham Co.,
Connecticut; d. July 22, 1894, Colfax, California; m. AMY BAGLEY, May 16, 1855,
Tipton, Iowa; b. March 06, 1830, Athens Co., Ohio; d. April 04, 1891, St.
Helena, California. Amy Bagley was the dau. of William and Lois (Loveland)
Bagley. Lois Loveland was b. in Oxford, Conn. 5/11/1793, a descendant of
Treat Loveland. Hezekiah Healy was seven or eight years old when they moved west
and he remembered many incidents of their trip. He related one, how the stove
pipe to the cook's galley on the canal boat was knocked out of position
when the cook was busy getting a meal. Evidently he had been reaching for a fork
when it happened. He caught the hot pipe in his hands and kept shifting it
from one hand to the other like a hot potato, loudly calling for help, saying:
"Somebody give me a fork, give me a fork, for the Lord's sake won't
someone give me a fork."

Dudley, Mass. Home occupied by Daniel Lyon Healy