From Proud Grandma Marilyn Knight on October 11th, 2004:
Pictures of Grandson Chase Wesley Pennington:
Echo & Chase Jason, Marilyn, Chase & Becca Dustin & Chase Waving to the fans!!!
From Marilyn Knight on September 8th, 2004: Jason and Becca welcomed their son, Chase Wesley into the world early this morning at 1:47 am weighing in at 4lbs, 15 oz and is 18 inches long. They went to visit Becca's mom in Bonney Lake and she went into labor last Thursday. They held off until this morning and Chase was born at Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup, Washington. He arrived about 6 weeks early but is doing fine last I spoke with Jason. Hopefully the hospital has an online nursery and we will all be able to see a picture of him soon!