October 23, 1892 TO April 27, 1977
Carol was born on October 23, 1892, in San Jose, California, to Lynn Carroll and Elizabeth Belle (Mammee) Simpson. Dr. Sue Gallimore (?), who was a childhood friend of Mammee�s, and one of the first female doctors in California, delivered her at home at 1021 University Avenue, San Jose, CA. Carol was a tiny infant, weighing less than three pounds at birth, but was healthy nonetheless. Ray Venti Simpson, her brother was born in 1898 or 1899 (?). A sister Jane, born between Carol and Ray died at childbirth.
On the back of the photo above is written, Carol 17 years old, 1906 of 1907, San Jose, CA. Below in Carol's writing: "This house belonged to Elizabeth Gallimore, our doctor's niece. Dr. Gallimore was one of the first women doctors in California. She took care of mother (Mammee) when I was born. She and mother were girls together. The Gallimore's home was on the corner of the Alameda and University Avenue. They owned a large ranch where Moffett Field now stands." Below that is a note from Carol B. Healy, "Mom used to tell us stories about her horses. I think she had one when quite young - a pony."
Carol and friends sailing. From photo taken by Ray Simpson. Negative in the collection of Peter Hildebrand Carol lived in San Jose and San Francisco, moving frequently because Mammee had asthma and felt that moving into a recently cleaned home was easier on her asthmatic condition. Carol attended Hester School in San Jose for elementary school and Girls� High School, in San Francisco, graduating in 1913. Carol attended the University of California for one year, until she had to return to Sacramento to work for the Sacramento Union newspaper that her father, Lynn C. Simpson, was part owner of. Carol covered the drama and music events for the Sacramento Union. Met Granville Beedle at a picnic and dance in Fairoaks, in Sacramento County.
House at 1616 "H" Street, Sacramento, CA where G. L. Beedle and Carol Simpson where married. Home of Mammee and Lynn Carroll Simpson. House is just across the street from the Governor's Mansion. The owner of this home was one of the owners of the Mentor-Leavitt Company by whom Granville Beedle was employed.
Wedding Announcement of Granville & Carol Beedle indicating their new residence of 2021 F Street, Sacramento, CA As a child, Carol took both voice and elocution lessons, and sang in church choirs, occasionally as a soloist, in Orland and Hollywood. She was a member of the Women�s Club of the Mill Valley Community Church. Letter from Carol Beedle to Mammee about her visit with Granville's relatives when Lowry was an infant. Carol with children in May, 1922. Lynn Simpson Beedle, 4 years, 5 months old; Carol Elizabeth Beedle. 3 years, 2 months old; Alive Virginia Beedle, 1 year, 7 months old; and Jane Roby Beedle, 5 months old. She was quite healthy until she contracted diphtheria in 1924. She had to endure a throat lancing and the long-term damage to her heart required lengthy periods of bed rest. She would bear up very well during crises, but pay the price immediately thereafter. A wonderful love letter from Granville to Carol, after Carol survived diphtheria. Dated October 17, 1924. With five children at home, being bedridden for weeks to months at a time was quite an experience for the entire family. She remained very busy, even during these spells of confinement, on one occasion making three Easter dresses, three-tiered, for the three girls. Carol Healy recalls, "she couldn�t spank, but she sure could talk" during those periods. If she need assistance or wished to correct the childrens� behavior when they were playing outside, she would rap on the window with her wedding ring. When Lynn and Carol were five to seven years old, Carol E. would occasionally send the children to the store to buy groceries. The children are not certain to this day if the trip was really necessary, or just to keep them busy. In Los Angeles, she would make the children memorize the grocery list; not allowing them to rely on a written list. This was training to improve the memory skills. Residences:
When we lived in Hollywood, Mom insisted we all take naps. One time, we got to horsing around. Mom suddenly appeared at the door. Because we had been warned numerous times, that getting out of bed could be fatal to her, we quickly dove for our beds crying out "Mommy, don�t die, Mommy don�t die. We�ll be good." She then went back to bed � no harm done. In the same bedroom, Lynn was suddenly inspired that all of us should experience total darkness. So he herded us all into the bedroom closet and closed the door, with Lynn inside also, and the doorknob fell off. Shortly after this time, Pop returned home, and Mom told him, "it�s been awfully quiet in the front bedroom, would you please see what the kids are up to."
Letter from Carol to Cousin Pearl McCallum. Pearl's father was the founder of Palm Springs, CA.
Carol Beedle's Obituaries