September 16, 1883 TO May 19, 1982
From the notes of Teresa Haldorson and Carol Healy:
Group photo of employees of print shop, Berlin, Germany
August Brandt (Bessie's Uncle) and wife.
Anna Brandt (Bessie's Mother).
Bessie had one brother, Heinrich. Bessie and Heinrich attended Catholic Church and Catholic schools.
came to America in 1907, arriving in Boston, in the Pioneer Square area of Seattle, on January 27th, 1915.
Apartment, 1917; Don Leo in stroller.
Donald Leo Healy was born on July 4th, 1916.
Shortly after their marriage, Bessie and Royal resided at the Heathmore Apartments, address unknown, and resided there through the Spring of 1916. They next lived in an apartment on Queen Anne Hill, Queen Anne Court, West Galer Street. This was in 1917. In 1918 they moved to an apartment at 602 N. 42nd Street, and later lived near Woodland Park, on Evanston. On December 2, 1918, they bought their first home on 20th NW, Richmond Beach (now Shoreline area), where Bessie started her own chicken farm. Because Royal was at sea so much of the time, a hazardous occupation, Bessie thought it prudent to provide for her family if Royal failed to return home. Her concern in this regard was quite justified as just months before, Royal had written her about his ship being torpedoed off the coast of England. On May 13th, 1920, Nadine Healy was born in the living room of this home. Both Nadine and Don were brought up in the Christian Science Church.
Bessie and Royal's last residence was 1139 North 76th Street, Seattle, just a couple of blocks from Green Lake.
Bessie enjoyed the symphony. In her quest for spiritual enlightenment, she was raised as a Catholic in Germany, became a Christian Scientist in early adulthood, and for the last forty years or more of her life was actively involved in the "I Am" movement. This movement believed that marriages should be platonic, which might explain the reduced membership at this time.